Showing posts with label Jp Farmasi dd 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jp Farmasi dd 2017. Show all posts

Paket Lengkap Antibacterial Activity Of Ethanolic Extract And Infuse Of Bauhinia Variegata Leaves Against Streptococcus Pyogenes

Abstract: Bauhinia variegata is a plant that has many virtues and widely grown in Indonesia. Yet the virtues and uses are still limited as the shade and ornamental plant. The purpose of this study is to determine the antibacterial ethanol extract activity and the infuse of Bauhinia Variegata leaves toward Streptococcus pyogenes and to determine the classes of compounds that have antibacterial activity. Bauhinia variegata leaves are extracted by maceration and infundation with 96% ethanol and distilled water. The test method of antibacterial activity is used disc difusson Kirby Bauer methods. The Analyses of the compounds which are contained in the Bauhinia Variegata leaves are done by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) and test tubes. The results showed that ethanol extract and infuse of Bauhinia Variegata leaves has no antibacterial activity toward Streptococcus pyogenes. TLC results and test tubes showed that the ethanol extract of Bauhinia Variegata leaves contain tannins, saponins, terpenoids, and alkaloids. While, the infuse of Bauhinia variegata leaves are saponins and alkaloids.
Keywords: Bauhinia variegata, antibacterial, Streptococcus pyogenes, maceration, infundation
Penulis: istiqamatush sholihah
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170427

Paket Lengkap Perumusan Taktik Peningkatan Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Umum Tempat Kardinah Tegal Menurut Analisis Swot

Abstract: Kepuasan pasien berkaitan bersahabat dengan kualitas pelayanan instalasi farmasi rumah sakit (IFRS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat jalan terhadap pelayanan instalasi farmasi rumah sakit umum kawasan Kardinah Tegal, mengetahui faktor internal dan eksternal yang kuat terhadap instalasi farmasi rumah sakit Kardinah Tegal dalam rangka mewujudkan kepuasan pasien melalui analisis SWOT, dan merumuskan seni administrasi sebagai upaya untuk peningkatan kepuasan pasien rawat jalan di instalasi farmasi rumah sakit umum kawasan Kardinah Tegal menurut analisis SWOT. Hasil data kuesioner dan wawancara dipakai untuk analisis faktor internal dan eksternal serta perumusan seni administrasi alternatif dengan matriks SWOT. Hasil SWOT dipakai sebagai dasar untuk analisis QSPM guna pengambilan keputusan. Hasil analisis tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat jalan terhadap pelayanan instalasi farmasi rumah sakit umum kawasan Kardinah Tegal, didapatkan nilai kesenjangan (gap) kasatmata pada lima dimensi kualitas pelayanan adalah dimensi tangibles (+0.22); reliability (+0.21); responsiveness (+0.11); assurance (+0.24); dan empathy (+0.04), sedangkan hasil analisis kuesioner kekuatan pesaing (2.00). Hasil analisis kuesioner kepuasan karyawan (2.82) dan semangat kerja karyawan (2.81). Hasil analisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal instalasi farmasi rumah sakit umum kawasan Kardinah Tegal berada di posisi kuadran I pada analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis QSPM memprioritaskan seni administrasi peningkatan kualitas pelayanan, perekrutan SDM apoteker dan farmasi klinis, mengikuti perkembangan teknologi modern, serta pengembangan sarana dan prasarana instalasi farmasi rumah sakit.
Kata kunci: Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kardinah Tegal, Kepuasan Pasien, Analisis SWOT, Perumusan Strategi
Penulis: Rosaria Ika Pratiwi
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170428

Paket Lengkap Komunikasi Dalam Sosialisasi Tanaman Obat Keluarga (Toga) Di Kecamatan Margadana

Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan citra ihwal taktik komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh Tim Penggerak PKK dalam mensosialisaikan Toga. Melalui penelitian ini didapatkan citra ihwal taktik komunikasi yang mencakup sosialisasi terjadi dalam tiga tahapan yang mencakup persiapan, pelaksanaan serta penilaian dan monitoring. Pelaksanaan sosialiasi melibatkan semua kader dan terjadi secara bertahap, dengan memakai media tradisional dan pesan-pesan yang sederhana. Kegiatan sosialisasi di dasarkan pada kondisi komunikan mempunyai pendidikan sedang dan memakai komunikasi primer alasannya yakni komunikan masih mempunyai interaksi sosial yang kuat.
Kata kunci: Strategi komunikasi, sosialisasi dan toga
Penulis: Agus Susanto
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170429

Paket Lengkap Hasil Rendemen Minyak Atsiri Serbuk Sangat Halus Serbuk Kering Bunga Kamboja (Plumeria Alba) Dengan Metode Destilasi

Abstract: Bunga kamboja merupakan tanaman orisinil Indonesia dan termasuk salah satu tanaman yang berguna sebagai obat. Tanaman ini secara historis memiliki kegunaan cukup luas, utamanya bab bunga yang mengandung minyak atsiri dan dapat dipakai sebagai terapi aromatika. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui berapa persentasi minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan dengan metode destilasi. Penelitian dilakukan di laboraturium Prodi D III Farmasi Stikes Al-Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Cilacap, dengan sampel bunga kamboja putih yang dikeringkan dan diserbuk yang selanjutnya dilakukan penyulingan dengan metode destilasi dengan menggunkan sampel sebesar 700gram dan menghasilkan minyak atsiri rata -rata sebesar 11,2 gram dengan prosentasi hasil rensmen minyak atsiri sebesar 1,3%.
Kata Kunci: Bunga Kamboja, Minyak Atsiri, Aromatika, Destilasi
Penulis: Mika Tri Kumala Swandari
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170430

Paket Lengkap Pemanfaatan Bunga Kamboja (Plumeria Alba) Sebagai Aromaterapi Pengusir Nyamuk

Abstract: Bunga kamboja (Plumeria alba) yang banyak tumbuh dan berbunga merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mengandung miyak atsiri yang memiliki nilai kemanfaatan sangat tinggi dalam biang terapi aromatika, Penelitian ini ihwal penyulingan serbuk kering bunga kamboja untuk mendapat minyak atsiri adalah dengan metode destilasi air dengan pelarut air. Hasil minyak atsiri selanjutnya dibentuk formulasi dengan kadar aromaterapi sebesar 5% v/v dan 10 % v/v dengan formulasi kombinasi menjadi aromaterapi pengusir nyamuk.
Destilasi air dengan memakai rata-rata sampel 750 gram menghasilkan rata-rata minyak atsiri sejumlah 13 ml atau dengan prosentase sebesar 1,6% dengan nilai konversi. Produk formulasi aromaterapi penyusir nyamuk untuk kedua formula masuk range pada setiap standar uji fisik dan pada uji lanjutan ihwal uji kesukaan hasil pilihan responden sebesar 80% lebih menentukan formula.
Kata Kunci: Bunga Kamboja, Aromaterapi pengusir Nyamuk, minyak atsiri
Penulis: Heru Nurcahyo, Purgiyanti
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170431

Paket Lengkap Formulasi Dan Acara Kombinasi Minyak Jeruk Dan Minyak Sereh Pada Sediaan Lilin Aromaterapi

Abstract: Pemakaian materi alam ketika ini memang cenderung meningkat, diantaranya ialah pemakaian materi alam untuk aromaterapi. Seperti halnya yang telah dipakai di masyarakat materi alam yang sanggup dipakai untuk aromaterapi salah satunya ialah buah jeruk dan juga sereh. Kedua materi alam ters ebut dipakai sebagai aromaterapi sebab mengandung minyak atsiri yang menyegarkan dan juga menciptakan nyaman. Minyak jeruk dan sereh sanggup di ambil dengan cara penyulingan atau sering dikenal dengan destilasi, proses destilasi ini bertujuan untuk mendapat destilat jeruk dan sereh atau uap air yang telah didinginkan melalui kondensor. tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengetahui apakah kombinasi minyak lavender dan minyak jeruk sanggup dipakai sebagai lilin aromaterapi serta pada formula berapakah lilin aromaterapi yang disukai oleh konsumen. Pembuatan Lilin Aromaterapi dengan cara Melelehkan materi dasar lilin parafin diatas waterbath, melelehkan White oil diatas waterbath, Campurkan Paraffin bersama white oil masih diatas penangas air / waterbath Masukkan Bahan diatas ke dalam cetakan lilin tambahkan minyak atisri kedalam cetakan lilin. Pembuatan formula lilin menjadi tiga formula, formula I, formula II, formula III. Evaluasi Sediaan lilin aromaterapi dengan Pengamatan Organoleptis mencakup pengamatan perubahan-perubahan bentuk, warna, dan bau. Diperoleh hasil bentuk padat, amis khas aromatik, warna putih. Uji Kesukaan dengan menyebar kuisoner diperoleh hasil untuk lilin aromaterapi formula II lebih disukai dibandingkan formula I dan III.
Kata Kunci: minyak jeruk, minyak sereh, lilin aromaterapi, KLT
Penulis: Sari Prabandari, Riski Febriyanti
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170432

Paket Lengkap Therapy Adherence Of 40-75 Y.O. Hypertension Respondents Using Morisky Instrument In Ngemplak, Sleman, Diy (Study On Age, Demography, Social, And Life-Style Factors)

Abstract: Hypertension is systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥140mmHg and/or diastolic blood pessure (DBP) ≥90mmHg. The risk factors of hypertension consist of age, life-style, demographic, and social factors. The risk factors have a significant association with antihypertension adherence. Adherence is the suitability of patient behavior to the prescriber’s recommendations. Morisky instrument can be used to measure the level of hypertension therapy adherence. The aims of this study were to assess respondent’s profile and therapy adherence based on age, life-style, demographic, social factors among the subjects in Ngemplak, Sleman, Daerah spesial Yogyakarta (DIY). Total respondents were 63 respondents. The observational study was done with cross-sectional design. Technique for determining the location used random sampling, data were collected by door to door in the villages of Morangan, Jimat, and Jelapan. Data analysis used chi square with 95% confidence level. There were 23.8% good adherent and 76.2% poor adherent subjects to antihypertensive medication. There was no significant difference between age, life-style, demographic, and social factors to the level of hypertension therapy adherence. However, it was found that controlled blood pressure (p-value<0.01) were significantly associated with therapy adherence. This study also found that SBP at age 60-75 years and 40-59 years was significantly different (p-value <0.05).
Keywords: adherence; age; demography; hypertension; social; life-style
Penulis: Millatina Jasmine, Nurjati Dwi Oktawati, Puspa Raras Damasari, Rita Suhadi
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170433

Paket Lengkap Ideologi Teks Dalam Iklan Produk Tolak Angin Sidomuncul (Suatu Kajian Ihwal Kritis)

Abstract: Media komunikasi melalui iklan ditelevisi swasta merupakan kekuatan bahasa dalam memasarkan produk. Bahasa iklan yang sering didengar, dilihat oleh masyarakat sanggup menghipnotis menonton, oleh alasannya yaitu itu teks bahasa dalam iklan menarik untuk dikaji melalui analisis wacana.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu Untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam ihwal ideologi dalam teks iklan dan pengaruhnya terhadap praktik wacana dan publik. Adapun metodologi penelitian ini memakai teori Fairclough yakni kajian wacana melalui tahap; 1) Deskripsi; 2) Interpreasi; 3) Ekspanasi. Hasil penelitian menandakan bahwa bahasa iklan obat herbal Tolak Angin Sidomuncul memiliki kekuatan untuk menghipnotis konsumen alasannya yaitu kata-katanya gampang diingat, mengena, dan gampang dipahami. Jargon atau slogan yang dipakai oleh produk “Tolak angin Sidomuncul” telah menjadi cirri khas dari perusahaan Sidomuncul. Menunjukkan ideologi yaitu mencari laba sebanyakbanyaknya melalui persaingan untuk merebut pasaran.
Kata Kunci: Ideologi teks, Bahasa Iklan, Iklan Televisi
Penulis: Ahmad Sunardi
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170434

Paket Lengkap Effect Of Black Rice Bran Extract (Black Rice Bran) To Decrease Decrease Of Glucose Level In Diabetic Rats

Abstract: Black rice bran is one of processed foods derived from plants and has a decreasing effect of blood glucose levels. Major component of anthocyanin in black rice bran that functions in lowering blood glucose concentration is cyanidin 3-glucoside. Fifteen male rats Sprague-Dawley strain were selected randomly and divided into 5 groups with the same number in each groups. These groups were consisted of normal control,negative control, and black rice bran extract treatment with dose of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg of bodyweight(b.w.). Each of them were induced to experience diabetes by alloxan 150 mg/kg of b.w. Measurement of blood glucose levels was done by using visible spectrophotometer at 546 nm. The samples were collectedbefore and after alloxan injection, and after 4, 7, and 10 days later to observe the changes of blood glucoselevels. The results showed that black rice bran at 200 mg/kg of b.w. was able to lower the glucose levels, which amounted for 131,33 ± 8,08 mg/dL after 10 days of injection.
Keywords: Black rice bran, anthocyanin, antidiabetic
Penulis: Novita Sari, Arifah Sri Wahyuni
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170435

Paket Lengkap Effect Test Stimulant Of Curcuma Rhizome Infusion (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) On Male Mice Swiss Strain

Abstract: The used of plants efficacious as medicines in the prevention of health problems had been known for a long time the Indonesian people. The utilization of plants as medicine was based on the experience passeddown from generation to generation. The used of traditional medicines relatively favored by the people,the underlying factor are traditional medicines have less side effects than the modern medicines if usedappropriately. Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) used as refreshment which had stimulant effect..Stimulant was a substance that can stimulated the central nervous system which can speed up the processes in the body and minimize fatigue. Need to research the effects of stimulant infusion of curcuma rhizome.The research was conducted experimental methods pre-test and post-test. Twenty-five male mice Swissstrain used as experimental animals, which are divided into five groups, positive control (caffeine 100mg /kg BW), negative control (distilled water 0,5ml /20g BW), infusion of curcuma dose I (2.5 g/ kg BW), doseII (5g / kg BW), and dose III (10g / kg BW) respectively. Animal experiments tested using methods NatatoryExhaustion and treated with oral route. The effects of stimulant tired was calculated the time differencebefore and after treatment. The data obtained were analyzed non-parametric statistical tests, it’s KruskalWallis and Mann Whitney with a 95% confidence level. Infuse curcuma rhizome had the stimulant effect,the effect was obtained by increased the dose. At doses of 2.5 g / kg BW, 5g / kg BW, and 10 g / kg BW wasprovide a stimulant effect respectively by 2.82 minutes, 3.71 minutes and 4.94 minutes. Stimulant effect doseII and III had a greater effect than the positive control (p<0,05), the dose I had similar effect compare with control positive (p>0,05).
Keywords: infusion of curcuma rhizome, stimulant effect, Natatory Exhaustion, male mice
Penulis: Neni Lugki Nian Tary, Tanti Azizah Sujono
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170436

Paket Lengkap Evaluation Of The Use Of Antibiotics In Chronic Renal Failure Patients In Rsup Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten Period 2014

Abstract: Antibiotics are one of the most widely used drugs in curing various kinds of infectious diseases. The use ofantibiotics, especially in chronic renal failure, need to be considered because it can cause nephrotoxicityin kidneys. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rational use of antibiotics in RSUP Dr. SoeradjiTirtonegoro in cases of chronic renal failure in 2014. The evaluation includes the right indication, theright drug, right patient, and proper dosage. This research is conducted in a manner that is based on aretrospective medical record belongs to chronic renal failure patients on inpatient RSUP Dr. TirtonegoroKlaten 2014. The search results obtained from medical records and evaluation results indicated the useof appropriate antibiotics as many as 20 cases (55.56%), patients with chronic renal failure who meet theappropriate criteria are 39 cases (97.7%), use of the right type of antibiotics drugs there were 13 cases(29,5%), and to use appropriate antibiotics doses were 21 cases (47.7%). Discharge status of patients with a total of 36 cases (100%) with result of the patient’s health improved. From the result of arithmetic leukocytes figure, there are 33 cases ( 91.67 % ) with leukocytes count back to normal.
Keywords: Antibiotics, Chronic renal failures, Inpatient, RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten
Penulis: Gita Ayu Pradina, Zakky Cholisoh
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170437

Paket Lengkap The Evaluation Of Antibiotics Using To Pediatric Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Patients At Health Centers In Kunduran Blora 2013

Abstract: Acute respiratory tract infection is an acute infection which attacks one or more part of respiratory tract from nose to alveoli. This disease is an important society’s health dilema especially in the developing countries which attacks children easily especially who have low body’s immunity. This aim of the researchwas to know representation of the treatment and the accuracy of antibiotics distribution as the treatment ofpediatric patients of acute upper respiratory tract infection (AURTI) at Health Center in Kunduran, Blora2013 which is observed by appropriate parameter indication, appropriate drugs, appropriate dose andappropriate patients using the standard from WHO (2003). This research was categorized as qualitativeand non experimental research. In obtaining the data, the researcher trace the pediatric patient’s medicalrecord in the registration book in the health center Kunduran, Blora regency year 2013. The obtained datawas analyzed descriptively to evaluate the rationality of antibiotics distribution for AURTI. The researchresult showed that over 110 of the available samples in children aged up to 12 years old which were diagnosed as AURTI sufferer, 92 cases (83.63%) used amoxicillin antibiotics, 18 cases (16.37%) used kotrimoksazol, 72 cases (65.50%) were proper indication, 59 case (53.63%) were proper drugs, 110 cases (100%) were proper patients, 87 case (79.09%) were proper dose, and 47 case (42.70) were rational in the treatment
Keywords: AURTI, Medication Evaluation, Health Centers, Pediatric patients, Antibiotics
Penulis: Tesar Zulmi Antoro, Nurul Mutmainah
Kod Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170438

Paket Lengkap Fraksi Etil Asetat Kulit Batang Faloak (Sterculia Quadrifida R.Br ) Menginduksi Apoptosis Dan Siklus Sel Pada Sel Kanker Payudara T47d

Abstract: Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is one source of bioactive compounds that could be developed as chemotherapeutic agent. Empirically East Nusa Tenggara people use boiled water of faloak bark as a cure for hepatitis (types A, B, and C), and gastroenteritis. This study was performed to test anticancer activity fraction of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol of ethanolic extract from faloak stem bark for the type of breast cancer cell line T47D, and normal cell types Vero using cytotoxic 3- (4,5-dimetilazol- 2-yl) -2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test method. Ethanolic extract was subjected to column chromatography using different solvents polarity level as n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol. Testing the cytotoxic effects using the MTT assay in T47D breast cancer cells and normal Vero cells with EC50 parameter. Ethyl acetate fraction in inducing apoptosis and cell cycle modulation was observed with flowcytometry method. The test results cytotoxic fraction indicating the fraction of ethyl acetate has the lowest activity with EC50 of 24.88 μg/mL and selectivity index of 15.58. Ethyl acetate fraction effects an accumulation of cells in S phase (27.43%) in breast cancer cells T47D which is able to induce apoptosis. These results demonstrate that the ethyl acetate fraction can be developed as a chemotherapeutic agent in improving the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment.
Keywords: apoptotic; breast cancer; cell cycle; cytotoxicity; faloak
Penulis: Rollando, Kestrilia Rega Prilianti
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170439

Paket Lengkap Kekerabatan Antara Kegiatan Fisik Dan Angka Kecukupan Gizi Makronutrien Terhadap Rasio Kolesterol Total/Hdl Pada Masyarakat Pedesaan

Abstract: Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world. The diseaseis influenced by several factors such as lack of physical activity, imbalanced nutritional intake, and high blood cholesterol levels. The value of the total cholesterol / HDL can predict cardiovascular disease risk factors.  The study aims to investigate the relationship between physical activity and Dietary Allowances of the macronutrient and ratio total cholesterol / HDL in rural communities. This is observational analytic with cross-sectional design of the 102 respondents (male: 40, female: 62) in Kepuharjo village, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, with a purposive sampling techniques. Physical activity data were taken using a structured interview (Baecke) and Semi Quantitive Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ) for data macronutrient, while blood total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels  were analyzed using enzymatic methods. The results of the study showed that there is no significant relationship between physical activity and the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL (p = 0.038; CI 95%: 0.98-61.33), dietary allowances of the macronutrient energy and the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL (p = 0.068), protein intake on the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL (p = 1.000), fat intake to the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL (p = 0.081), and the intake of carbohydrates to the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL (p = 0.088). In conclusion  there is no significant relationship between physical activity and dietary allowance of macronutrient towards to the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL.
Keywords: physical activity; dietary allowance of macronutrient; ratio of total cholesterol/HDL
Penulis: Utari Febrina Supomo Sunu, Galih Permadi, Fenty Fenty
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170440

Paket Lengkap Dampak Ko-Kemoterapi Fraksi Etil Asetat Akar Pasak Bumi Dan Doxorubicin Terhadap Proliferasi Dan Ekpresi Bax Jaringan Payudara Tikus Sd

Abstract: The use of co-chemotherapy agent was needed since there were some toxicities on the normal tissues caused by the use of doxorubicin. The root of Eurycoma longifolia Jack, a part of plant, has a potential activity as co-chemotherapy. This study aimed to determine the effect of co-chemotherapy of ethyl acetate fraction of E. longifolia Jack roots and doxorubicin against cell proliferation activity by AgNOR method and determine expression of Bax protein of breast tissue in rats induced by DMBA. The rats were divided into five groups: I (baseline), II (DMBA 20 mg/kgBW), III (DMBA, doxorubicin 1.12 mg/kg), IV (DMBA, fraction of 100 mg/kg), and V (DMBA, doxorubicin, fractions). All the rats were sacrificed at week 16. Their breast tissue was evacuated. Cell proliferation and expression was observed using AgNOR method and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Results showed the percentage of p-AgNOR obtained by the healthy group, DMBA group, DMBA+Doxorubicin group, DMBA+ethyl acetate fraction of E. longifolia Jack root group, and DMBA+Doxorubicin+Ethyl acetate fraction of E. longifolia group were 0±0%, 14.67±2.11%, 1.83±1.21%, 6.83±2.03%, and 4.08±0.95%, respectively. The percentage of Bax expression obtained by the healthy group, DMBA group, DMBA+Doxorubicin group, DMBA+ethyl acetate fraction of E. longifolia Jack root group, and DMBA+Doxorubicin+Ethyl acetate fraction of E. longifolia group were 68.82±1.52%, 26.86±3.25%, 44.49±2.06%, 80.92±3.27%, and 78.70±4.87%, respectively. Based on the results, it was concluded that co-chemotherapy agent of ethyl acetate fraction of E. longifolia Jack roots and Doxorubicin could inhibit proliferation and trigger apoptosis through Bax expression in breast tissue of rats induced by DMBA.
Keywords: Eurycoma longifolia Jack root; Bax; co-chemotherapy; proliferation
Penulis: Tria Zakinah, Laela Hayu Nurani, Sitarina Widyarini
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170441

Paket Lengkap Kandungan Beta Karoten Dan Acara Penangkapan Radikal Bebas Terhadap Dpph (1,1-Difenil 2-Pikrilhidrazil) Ekstrak Buah Blewah (Cucumis Melo Var. Cantalupensis L) Secara Spektrofotometri Uv-Visibel

Abstract: Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis L.), a fruit containing some compounds, have activity to protect human body from free radical. The beta carotene (provitamin A) was recognized as antioxidant compound. Antioxidants could protect the body from cardiovascular damage caused by free radical.  The aims of this study was to determine the levels of beta carotene and antioxidant activity (IC50) from Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis L. extract using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method. Cantaloupe was extracted using n-hexan-acetone-methanol ratio (2: 1: 1). Identification of beta carotene was performed using 25% antimony trichloride reagent followed by TLC and UV-Vis spectrum test compared with beta carotene as standard. The content of beta carotene and free radical scavenging activity was measured spectrophotometrically at 425 nm. The beta carotene level of cantaloupe was 3.171 ± 0.150 %. The antioxidant activity, presented as IC50 value of cantaloupe extract, was 12.137±0.44 µg/mL and the antioxidant activity of standard beta carotene was 2.15 ± 0.172 µg/mL. The cantaloupe extract contained beta carotene compunds but the antioxidant activity of extract was lower than beta carotene standard.
Keywords: cantaloupe; beta carotene; DPPH
Penulis: Aprilia Kusbandari, Hari Susanti
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170442

Paket Lengkap Pencemaran Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate (Sdbs) Pada Ikan Air Tawar: Penentuan Akumulasi Dan Monitoring Pencemaran

Abstract: The research for accumulation determination and monitoring of Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate (SDBS) contamination in freshwater fish has been conducted. The aims of this research were to determine the interference of protein and ions in analysis, the parameters of validation, the correlation of SDBS concentration in the basin and SDBS accumulation in catfish followed by SDBS analysis in freshwater fish that sold in market in the area of Yogyakarta city. This research was started by isolating SDBS from freshwater fish using soxhlet extraction method and then followed by analysis of SDBS using spectrophotometer UV-Vis with acridine orange (AO) reagent. The results showed that the presence of proteins might be interferre the analysis process, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions might interfere the analysis process at concentrations > 12 mg/L and > 6 mg/L. Analytical method validation was performed and showed correlation coefficient values (r) was 0,9981, limit of detection was 0,089 mg/L, limit of quantification was 0,0296 mg/L, RSD < 2% and % recovery between 83-107%. The content of the SDBS in fish increased with increasing concentrations of SDBS in water and caused the decrease of Bio-concentration Factor (BCF) value. The concentration of SDBS in the analysis of fish in the market were between 0,0012-0,0029 mg/g, 0,0038-0,0077 mg/g and 0.0008-0,0026 mg/g for catfish, red tilapia and carp, respectively.
Keywords: accumulation; analysis; SDBS; freshwater fish
Penulis: Monica Cahyaning Ratri
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170443

Paket Lengkap Formulasi Sediaan Orally Disintegrating Tablet Atenolol Dengan Sodium Starch Glycolate Sebagai Superdisintegran

Abstract: Atenolol, a competitive beta (1)-selective adrenergic antagonists, has been widely used in hypertension therapy. Administration of conventional tablets of atenolol has limitation due to patient compliance in geriatric patients. Formulation of atenolol as orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) can improve the effectiveness of the drug and patient compliance in hypertension therapy. The objective of this study was to formulate orally disintegrating tablet of atenolol using sodium starch glycolate as superdisintegrant in two different concentrations (10% and 20%). Orally disintegrating tablets (ODT) of atenolol without superdisintegrant were used as a control in this study. It was found that orally disintegrating tablets (ODT) of atenolol which used 10% sodium starch glycolate have better wetting time (9.33±0.58 seconds), disintegration time (15.48±1.16 seconds), in vitro dispersion time (24.00±1.00 seconds), and dissolution efficiency (95.23±0.14 %) than orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) which used 20% sodium starch glycolate.
Keywords: orally disintegrating tablet (ODT); atenolol; hypertension; sodium starch glycolate
Penulis: Karina Citra Rani, Nani Parfati, Jessica Wangsa Putri
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170444

Paket Lengkap The Effectiveness Of Clopidogrel As An Antithrombotic Compared To Ticlopidine And Aspirin (Meta-Analysis)

Abstract: Clopidogrel, an antithrombotic drug, has been proven by FDA as Plavix® was initially used for the prevention of vascular occlusive that cause of myocardial infarction, stroke, and vascular death in patients with atherosclerosis and then it is used to treat Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). Aim of the study is to compare the effectiveness of Clopidogrel to aspirin and ticlopidine by meta-analysis of CLASSICS (The Clopidogrel Aspirin Stent International Cooperative Study), MATCH trial dan CAPRIE trial. Results of the study show that the effectiveness of Clopidogrel is significantly higher, however the risk of ischemic and bleeding is lower than aspirin and ticlopidine. Cost-effectiveness of Clopidogrel in avoiding secondary stroke in one episode is approximately US $ 33,000, and aspirin is only US $ 1400.  In Indonesia the price of Clopidogrel  is ranged from US $1.5 to US $3 each tablet, while the price of aspirin ranged from US $ 0.35  to US $ 0.72. However, in Indonesia Clopidogrel is now in the list of National Formulary, this fact might have contributed to the increasing use of Clopidogrel, which has reached around 1000 tablets per day in each hospital while aspirin has reached  almost 1500 tablets per day.
Keywords: antithrombotic; aspirin; antiplatelet; Clopidogrel; ticlopidine
Penulis: Titien Siwi Hartayu, Dewi Setyaningsih
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170445

Paket Lengkap Correlation Analysis Between The Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, And Customer Loyalty Of Viva Generik Pharmacy In Semarang

Abstract: Today, pharmacy service has become more developed along with the enhancement of society awareness of the importance of health. Therefore, as one of the health service facilities, pharmacy is required not only to give priority on product prices and varieties but also to provide qualified service for the patients. Viva Generik pharmacy as a new comer should have the ability to understand the situation and should have the competitive advantage. This study used a survey method. Data were collected with a purposive sampling method using the instrument of closed questionnaires. The questionnaires were tested for the validity and the reliability to 40 respondents who were the consumers of Viva Generik pharmacy. Questionnaires were given to 150 respondents, then were analyzed using qualitative descriptive statistics to identify the respondents’ characteristic. Quantitative analysis was used to identify the quality of the service and to see the correlation between service quality, satisfaction, and customer loyalty of Viva Generik pharmacy. As a result, Viva Generik pharmacy’s consumers tended to agree that the quality of service given by Viva Generik pharmacy was good. Simultaneously, service quality variables gave a positive impact to the customer satisfaction and the customer loyalty. It was just the tangible dimension that gave the significant impact on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. It was also disclosed that the customer satisfaction brought a significant impact on the customer loyalty to Viva Generik pharmacy.
Keywords: customer satisfaction; loyalty; Viva Generik; service quality
Penulis: Eva Monica, Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Suci Paramitasari Syahlani
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170446