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Showing posts sorted by date for query marketing. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Paket Lengkap Off -Label Prescribing In Pediatric Inpatients With Pneumonia In A Children’S Hospital

Abstract: Off -label is a term used in which a drug prescribed outside the offi cial information of the marketing authorization. Off -label prescribing may occur as the result of several factors including lackof clinical trials data involving pediatrics and suitable formulations for medicines commonly prescribed to this fragile population. This study aimed to estimate the nature and prevalence of off -label prescribing in pediatric inpatients with pneumonia. A retrospective study was conducted in a study hospital using medical records from pediatric inpatients with pneumonia during the period of January-December 2015.Patient and prescribing data were collected, and drugs were classifi ed as on-label or off -label based on the Indonesia National Drug Information (IONI) and British National Formulary for Children (BNFC).Thereafter, off -label drugs were categorized with a hierarchical system of age, indication, route ofadministration and dosage. There were 1141 drugs with 77 diff erent types of drug were administered to 207 patient during the study period. The data uncovered that 405 (35.5%) of the drug prescriptions were used off -label based on IONI, and 319 (28%) of the drug were used off -label based on BNFC. Based on IONI and BNFC, most off -label drugs were from anti infection drugs. The prevalence of off –label use in pediatric inpatients with pneumonia is not high. The off -label prescribing may not be necessarily be considered irrational, yet this fact reveals that the use of drugs does not comply with the drug label. Clinical trials for pediatric drugs are essential to provide complete product information for pediatric use.
Keywords: Off -label drugs, pneumonia, pediatric, inpatients
Penulis: Hesty Utami Ramadaniati, Heni Safarini, Aishah A Regine
Kode Jurnal jpfarmasidd180043

Paket Lengkap Implementasi Seni Administrasi Bauran Pemasaran (Marketing Mix) Pada Obat Bebas Di Apotek “Nurbunda” Dari Perspektif Sopan Santun Kefarmasian

Abstract: Strategi pemasaran yang dipakai sebagai contoh yakni bauran pemasaran (marketing mix). Bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) yakni sekumpulan acara yang saling berhubungan, disusundengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan konsumen, membuatkan barang yang dibutuhkan,menentukan harganya, mendistribusikan, dan mempromosikannya. Elemen bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) terdiri dari 4 hal, antara lain : product (produk), price (harga), place (tempat), promotion (promosi).Dunia bisnis tidak lepas dari acara pemasaran, begitu pula pada penjualan obat di apotek, memberikandampak nyata bagi upaya peningkatan profit dan perbaikan mutu pelayanan. Jenis penelitian yangdigunakan ini yakni penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini memakai pendekatan secaradeskriptif-normatif untuk mencari kesesuaian antara teori adab kefarmasian dengan penerapan strategibauran pemasaran (marketing mix) pada administrasi pemasaran farmasi Apotek X. Data yang diharapkan dalam penelitian ini yakni data primer dan data sekunder dengan memakai teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Data ini dikumpulkan dari banyak sekali sumber baiklangsung maupun tidak eksklusif dan disajikan dalam bentuk goresan pena kemudian dilakukan analisis. Datadideskripsikan dalam konsep bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) serta penerapannya pada Apotek X,kemudian dikorelasikan teori dan penerapannya dalam bentuk tinjauan umum dalam perspektif adab kefarmasian. Dari segi product, pengadaan (pembelian) obat bebas dilakukan melalui biro atau Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) yang telah memenuhi kualifikasi serta pengaturan display Apotek “X” memakai konsep first in first out (FIFO) dan first expired first out (FEFO). Dari segi price hargayang diterapkan oleh Apotek “X” yakni menjual produk dengan harga yang sanggup dijangkau oleh masyarakat sekitar dengan kualitas tinggi. Dari segi place, produk obat bebas diletakkan di bab depan dengan penataan display yang gampang dilihat dan menarik minat konsumen sehingga memperlihatkan fasilitas dalam proses distribusi produk obat bebas kepada konsumen. Dari segi promotion, melalui beberapa cara antara lain : leaflet, media umum online, radio, dan menjadi sponsor dalam acara bakti sosial.Bauran pemasaran ini sudah sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No. 73 Tahun 2016 Tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Apotek.
Kata kunci: Bauran Pemasaran (marketing mix), Obat Bebas, Etika Kefarmasian
Penulis: Rosaria Ika Pratiwi
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd180158

Paket Lengkap Model Aida Sebagai Taktik Pemasaran Bagi Nasabah Mengambang Perbankan Syariah (Survei Masyarakat Di Kota Bekasi)

Abstract: Indonesia sebagai negara yang lebih banyak didominasi berpenduduk muslim menjadi pangsa pasar industri perbankan syariah. Hal yang menjadi ironi bahwa Perbankan syariah hanya memiliki segmen pasar 4,86 % dari total industri layanan jasa perbankan. Riset ini berfokus pada pemetaan Nasabah Mengambang Perbankan Syariah dan taktik promosi yang dilakukan Bank Syariah untuk menarik calon nasabah menjadi nasabah loyalis memakai model Attention, Interest, Desire dan Action (AIDA). Bekasi dipilih menjadi lokasi penelitian ini dikarenakan sebagai tempat penyangga ibukota baik dari aspek sumberdaya insan maupun industrinya. Metode yang dipakai dalam  adalah metode kombinasi dengan pendekatan concurrent embedded.Hasil dalam riset ini bahwa 54 % masyarakat kota Bekasi merupakan nasabah mengambang perbankan syariah. Perbankan syariah sudah menerapkan metode AIDA dalam taktik pemasarannya untuk menarik nasabah mengambang menjadi loyalis. Rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh nasabah mengambang yang mendapat porsi terbesar dengan melaksanakan peningkatan pelayanan sebagai perwujudan sosialisasi dan promosi kepada nasabah mengambang.
Keywords: AIDA, floating customer, marketing strategy, nasabah menkambang, taktik pemasaran
Penulis: Silviana
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170002

Paket Lengkap Model Administrasi Pemasaran Bersama Berbasis Internet Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Sistem Penjualan Produk Masyarakat Desa Di Kabupaten Serang

Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menghasilkan suatu model administrasi pemasaran, hasil penemuan berupa cara pengelolaan pemasaran bersama produk unggulan desa berbasis internet. Hasil penelitian ini diperlukan sanggup mengatasi kebuntuan pemasaran produk desa yang kurang luas dan sering terjebak oleh sistim makelar pemasaran. Metode penelitian ini memakai pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development).Berdasarkan hasil pengamartan serta analisis data penelitian membuktikan bahwa pengujian hipotesis atas penerapan model yang dilakukan secara terbatas hanya pada 2 kecamatan menawarkan terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan efektifitas kinerja penjualan produk masyarakat desa di kecamatan Waringin Kurung dan Kecamatan Keramatwatu  sebelum dan sesudah penerapan model Pemasaran bersama berbasis Internet.
Keywords: model of joint marketing, model pemasaran bersama, product sales system of the village, sistem penjualan produk desa
Penulis:  Deviyantoro
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170003

Paket Lengkap Dampak Komunikasi Pemasaran, Pengalaman Dan Kualitas Jasa Terhadap Gambaran Dan Kepuasan Serta Dampaknya Pada Loyalitas Wisatawan Nusantara (Survei Kawasan Rekreasi Penderasan Di Kabupaten Bogor)

Abstract: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapat gambaran terkait komunikasi pemasaran, pengalaman dan kualitas jasa sebagai penyebab terbentuknya gambaran dan kepuasan serta dampaknya pada loyalitas wisatawan nusantara di daerah rekreasi air terjun. Objek penelitian ini yaitu daerah wisata penderasan di Bogor, yaitu Curug Bidadari dan Curug Nangka. Jumlah sampel yang akseptabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu 50 responden. Jumlah ini merupakan ukuran sampel kritis dalam pengukuran sampel yang diharapkan melalui SEM Partial Least Square (PLS). Dari kuesioner yang disebar pada kedua penderasan tersebut, terkumpul 114 kuesioner lengkap yang sanggup diolah. Data yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini memakai metode Partial Least Square (PLS) dan memakai tools SmartPLS. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa komunikasi pemasaran bekerjasama signifikan terhadap citra. Hal ini mengatakan bahwa komunikasi yang menarik akan membentuk gambaran yang nyata dan mendorong wisatawan berkunjung. Dibandingkan dengan komunikasi pemasaran, pengalaman lebih berperan dalam membentuk gambaran daerah rekreasi. Kualitas jasa bekerjasama signifikan terhadap citra. Kualitas jasa kuat paling mayoritas terhadap gambaran dibandingkan pengalaman dan komunikasi. Kualitas jasa bekerjasama signifikan terhadap kepuasan. Kualitas jasa tidak bekerjasama signifikan terhadap loyalitas. Citra bekerjasama signifikan terhadap kepuasan. Citra tidak bekerjasama signifikan terhadap loyalitas. Walaupun secara pribadi gambaran tidak kuat terhadap loyalitas, tetapi gambaran kuat tidak pribadi terhadap loyalitas melalui kepuasan. Kepuasan bekerjasama signifikan terhadap loyalitas. Dari semua variabel yang mempunyai imbas terhadap loyalitas imbas terbesar yaitu variabel kepuasan responden, yaitu promosi yang dilakukan daerah rekreasi ini sebagai suatu daerah rekreasi.
Keywords: citra, experience, image, kepuasan, komunikasi pemasaran, kualitas jasa, loyalitas, loyalty, marketing communications, pengalaman, satisfaction, service quality
Penulis: Wiwin Siswantini
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170008

Paket Lengkap Tugas Merk Image Dalam Memediasi Efek Green Marketing Terhadap Corporate Reputation

ABSTRACT: Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui tugas merk image dalam memediasi imbas green marketing terhadap corporate reputation. Populasi dalam penelitian ini ialah konsumen Starbucks coffee yang berdomisili di Denpasar. Sampel yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 120 orang responden, memakai metode purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang dipakai terdiri atas Analisis SEM dan Uji Sobel. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengindikasi green marketing beserta merk image mempunyai imbas yang nyata dan signifikan terhadap corporate reputation. Brand image juga terbukti bisa memediasi imbas dari green marketing terhadap corporate reputation secara signifikan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu merk image mengambil peranan penting dalam acara green marketing yang dilakukan, alasannya ialah berdampak pada baiknya corporate reputation di mata pelanggan. Starbucks Coffee juga sebaiknya mensosialisasikan kemasan produknya yang sanggup didaur ulang dalam membuatkan taktik green marketingnya, meningkatkan persepsi pelanggan dikala mengkonsumsi Starbucks Coffe, serta melaksanakan penilaian kepada karyawan perusahaan. This research aims to understand the role of merk image in mediating the effect of green marketing on corporate reputation. The population of this research is the consumers of Starbucks Coffee, who are domiciled in Denpasar. This research uses 120 respondents by using the purposive sampling method. The data is collected using questionaires and analyzed by SEM method and Sobel Test. The result indicates that green marketing and merk image have positive and significant effect on corporate reputation. Brand image is also proven in mediating the effect of green marketing on corporate reputation significantly. This research’s implication is that merk image take the important role in the green marketing activities of Starbucks Coffee because it affects the corporate reputation in the consumer’s perception. Starbucks Coffee should socialize their recyclable packaging to develop their green marketing strategy; increase costumers’ perception when consuming the products; and conduct an evaluation on their staffs.
KEYWORDS: green marketing, merk image, corporate reputation
Penulis: I Gusti Putu Aditya Saputra
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170036

Paket Lengkap Tugas Perilaku Memediasi Efek Pemasaran Hijau Terhadap Niat Beli Produk Ramah Lingkungan

ABSTRACT: This research has purpose to determine the effect of the green marketing towards purchase intention, mediated by attitude. The research  did in Denpasar with 100 respondents as the sample. The population in this study was the consumers of Starbucks Coffee who never have or bought a Tumblr at Starbucks Coffee but know about it. The data analysis technique used was the technique of Path analysis and the Sobel test. The result indicated green marketing and also attitude had positive impact on the green product’s purchase intention in Denpasar. The variable of attitude was proved to be able mediated the effects of green marketing on green product’s purchase intention about the Starbucks’s Tumblr in Denpasar significantly. The implication of this research was the attitude had the important role in the green marketing that will impact on the green product’s purchase intention so that Starbucks Coffee expected to still promote its Tumblr
KEYWORDS: Green Marketing, Attitude, Purchase Intention
Penulis: Ni Putu Eka Aprilisya
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170037

Paket Lengkap Efek Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Kendaraan Beroda Empat Merek ‘Honda’ Di Kota Denpasar

ABSTRACT: Honda is one of the largest automotive companies in the world from Japan to produce various types of vehicles. Honda implementing the marketing mix as a strategy to increase sales volume and maintaining customer loyalty. This study aimed to describe the effect on customer loyalty marketing mix Honda merk car in Denpasar. The research sample consisted of 100 people Honda merk car users who live in the city of Denpasar. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as linear regression. The results showed that the four marketing mix variables significant positive effect on customer loyalty Honda merk car. Four variables, variables most powerful influence is the quality of the product, and the weakest variables endorser credibility. The results showed that when the Honda merk car management wants to maintain or increase customer loyalty, then the marketing mix that is most important to note is the quality of the products, because these variables are the most powerful influence on customer loyalty.
KEYWORDS: product quality, price reasonableness, distribution channels, the credibility of the endorser, customer loyalty
Penulis: Gede Hadi Reynaldi, Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170039

Paket Lengkap Tugas Kepuasan Konsumen Dalam Memediasi Imbas Experiental Marketing Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of experiential marketing on consumer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction. This research was conducted at Nirvana Beach Corner Dive & Watersport Tanjung Benoa Bali. The size of the sample taken 155 consumer respondents, with non-probability sampling method in the form of purposive sampling. Data analysis technique used is path analysis and test Sobel. The results of this study indicate that 1) Experiental marketing positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction; 2) Consumer Satisfaction positive and significant impact on the Customer Loyalty; 3) Marketing Experiental positive and significant impact on the Customer Loyalty; 4) Role of Customer Satisfaction is significantly mediates the effects of Experiental Marketing on Consumer Loyalty. The implication of this research is the company capable of reviewing the aspects of Experiental Marketing and Customer Satisfaction for both these variables may affect the company's Consumer Loyalty
KEYWORDS: Experiental Marketing, Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty
Penulis: Astya Dewanthi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170041

Paket Lengkap Tugas Green Trust Memediasi Imbas Green Merk Image Terhadap Green Merk Equity Pada Produk Hijau

ABSTRACT: Green marketing as one of the marketing strategies that can be applied by marketers to retain customers without a negative impact on the environment. To create an eco-friendly merk can use green trust as one of the variables that are assumed to strengthen the influence of green merk image of green merk equity through the implementation of green marketing. The purpose of this study to prove the determinants that can reinforce merk value of green products Bali Tangi. This study focused on the city of Denpasar by taking the 100 respondents as sample through random sampling method with multiple criteria. This study used a technique confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The results of this study prove that green trusts have a role in bridging effect occurs on the variable green merk image of green merk equity. In the future, this research can be used as a reference for companies in implementing policies related to strategies to increase the merk value of green products in a positive direction
KEYWORDS: green marketing; green merk image; green trust; green merk equity
Penulis: I Komang Lowis Siwandana
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170057

Paket Lengkap Imbas Retail Marketing Mix Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan

ABSTRACT: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana dampak retail marketing mixterhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan pada Indomaret di wilayah Denpasar barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Indomaret wilayah Denpasar Selatan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalahwawancara dan kuisioner.Jumlah sampel yang diambil ialah sebanyak 160 responden dengan memakai metode Purposive Sampling.Teknik analisis data yang dipakai ialah teknik analisis jalur.Hasil analisis pertanda bahwa retail marketing mix kuat faktual dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, retail marketing mix kuat faktual dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, kepuasan pelanggan kuat faktual dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, kepuasan pelanggan secara signifikan memediasi dampak retail marketing mix terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada Indomaret di wilayah Denpasar Barat. Indomaret harus lebih memperhatikan kualitas produk yang di jual, lebih menguatkan promosi yang tidak hanya melalui katalog saja dan suasana toko juga menjadi aspek yang penting dalam bisnis ritel.
KEYWORDS: Bauran Pemasaran Retail, Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan
Penulis: Made Arly Dwi Cahyana, Putu Gde Sukaatmadja
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170060

Paket Lengkap Tugas Customer Satisfaction Memediasi Imbas Marketing Mix Terhadap Repurchase Intention

ABSTRACT: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah customer satisfacation bisa memediasi efek variabel marketing mix terhadap repurchase intention. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada produk air minum dalam kemasan merek Nonmin. Jumlah responden yang dipakai berjumlah 100 responden yang berdomisili di Kota Denpasar. Metode yang dipakai yaitu non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis jalur (path analysis) dan uji sobel merupakan teknik analisis data yang dipakai pada penelitia ini . Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan yaitu variabel marketing mix dan customer satisfaction kuat kasatmata dan signifikan terhadap repurchase intention. Variabel customer satisfaction juga bisa memediasi hubungan marketing mix terhadap repurchase intention. Hasil penelitian tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa semakin baik pengelolaan marketing mix akan meningkatkan customer satisfaction, dan dengan meningkatnya customer satisfaction akan meningkatkan repurchase intention. Dengan hasil penelitian ini maka perusahaan dibutuhkan bisa meningkatkan pengelolaan marketing mix biar lebih baik lagi untuk sanggup meningkatkan customer satisfaction.
KEYWORDS: marketing mix; customer satisfaction; repurchase intention
Penulis: Putu Dharmayoga Kusuma
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170073

Paket Lengkap Imbas Green Marketing Dan Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Merk Image Pada Produk Tupperware

ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the effect of Green Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility Brand Image on Tupperware products. The study population is consumer users Tupperware products. This study used a non-probability sampling techniques. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires, the number of respondents in this research were 100 respondents. The hypothesis was tested using the technique of path analysis (path analysis) and Sobel test. Hypothesis testing results showed that all the way down the hypothesis is accepted. Green marketing berpengaruf positively and significantly related to corporate social responsibility, green marketing and signikan positive effect on merk image, corporate social responsibility positive and significant impact on the merk image as well as green marketing positive and significant impact on the merk image through corporate social responsibility as mediation.
Keywords: green marketing, corporate social responsibility, merk image
Penulis: Voni Prila Santoso, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Sri Ardani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170089

Paket Lengkap Efek Penerapan Green Marketing Terhadap Gambaran Merek Dan Keputusan Pembelian Produk

ABSTRACT: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan green marketing terhadap gambaran merek dan keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini difokuskan di Kota Denpasar dengan memakai keputusan pembelian pada produk Pertalite sebagai objek penelitian. Penelitian ini melibatkan 110 orang responden dengan metode purposive sampling sebagai metode pengumpulan datanya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner yang berisikan pernyataan – pernyataan yang merupakan turunan dari indikator – indikator dalam penelitian. Adapun teknik analisis data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis jalur dengan pembuktian memakai Uji Sobel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa gambaran merek secara positif dan signifikan mempunyai tugas dalam mempengaruhi relasi antara variabel green marketing dan keputusan pembelian. Hasil dari penelitian ini sanggup menjadi rujukan bagi perusahaan dalam menerapkan suatu kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan taktik penjualan produk atau jasa yang disediakan.
Kata kunci: green marketing, gambaran merek , keputusan pembelian
Penulis: I Gede Sueca Arimbawa, Ni Wayan Ekawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170116

Paket Lengkap Tugas Green Perceived Quality Memediasi Korelasi Antara Environmental Friendliness Dengan Green Trust

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to clarify the role of green perceived quality in mediating influence the environmental friendliness to the green trust on cosmetics product The Face Shop. This research location in Denpasar city the samples used were 120 respondent. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires directly and using Likert scale. Data analysis technique used is comfirmatori factor analysis, path analysis and test Sobel. The analysis showed that the environmental friendliness significantly and positive affect green perceived quality dan green trust. Green perceived quality significantly mediates the relationship between the environmental friendliness to the green trust. It means the opportunities for the companies to package products or environmental friendliness bussiness strategy that will have an impact on consumer confidence in eco-friendly products.
KEYWORDS: green marketing, environmental friendliness, green perceived quality, green trust
Penulis: Ni Putu Eka Dewi Kartika, Gede Suparna
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170122

Paket Lengkap Tugas Self-Brand Connection Dalam Memediasi Efek Dapat Dipercaya Endorser Terhadap Merk Equity Pada Merk Guess

ABSTRACT: The emergence of the intense competition in the field of fashion business requires marketers to be more careful and creative in marketing their products. This study was conducted to clarify the effect of endorser credibility to self-brand connection and merk equity, the effect of self-brand connection to the merk equity, and the role of self-brand connection in mediating the effect of endorser credibility to the merk equity. This research was conducted in Badung with a sample size of 120 respondents using purposive sampling and accidental sampling. The collection of data obtained from the results of questionnaires using a five-point Likert scale used to measure 12 indicators using Path analysis and Sobel test. The results showed that the credibility of the endorser and self-brand connection significantly positive effect on merk equity, self-brand connection is of significance is able to mediate the relationship between the credibility of the endorser of the merk equity. These results indicate that self-brand connection an important role in how the credibility of an endorser who will have an impact on merk equity.
 KEYWORDS: endorser credibility, self-brand connection, merk equity
Penulis: Ni Putu Maha Dewi Widyajayanti, A.A Gede Agung Artha Kusuma
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170135

Paket Lengkap Dampak Green Marketing Dan Packaging Terhadap Merk Image Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Konsumen Starbucks Coffee

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to  determine the effect of green marketing  and packaging towards merk image and customers loyalty at Starbucks Coffee in Bali. The location of this reseach were in Bali with the sample about 104 respondents, using current methods of purposive sampling and incidental sampling. The collection of data obtained from the questionnaire using Likert scale used to measure 13 indicators. This research techniques using path analysis, with a confirmatory test and classical assumption test. The results showed that green marketing and packaging positively and significantly affect the merk image. Green marketing and packaging  significantly positively affect customer loyalty funds with merk image positively and significantly affect customer loyalty. Green marketing has the most direct influence on merk image and customer loyalty. This indicates that green marketing is taking an important role in creating the Starbucks Coffee merk image and increase customer loyalty at Starbucks Coffee in Bali.
KEYWORDS: green marketing, packaging, merk image, customers loyalty
Penulis: I Gusti Ayu Widya Sari, Putu Yudi Setiawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170149

Paket Lengkap Tugas Kepedulian Pada Lingkungan Dalam Memediasi Efek Green Marketing Terhadap Niat Pembelian Produk Ramah Lingkungan

ABSTRACT: Consumer conciousness to maintain environment is increasing at this time. This reseach aims to exam the impact   of green market willing to purchase eco friendly environment product mediated by careness of cosmetic study of the body shop brand. Data collection on this reseach use likert scale quesioner. The amount of sample are 100 respondents and use porposive sampling analysis technic that used are deskriptif statistic and inferensial statictic. Deskriptif statistic explain profile of respondents, while statistic inferensial is confirmatory analysis, track analysis and sobel test is used to test the patterned hypothesis. The exam result shows that green marketing significantly impact to awareness of environment and also impact the willingness to buy eco friendly environment product. Attention to environment significanly can mediate the impact of green marketing to have willingness to buy eco friendly environment product of the body shop brand
Keyword: green marketing, kepedulian pada lingkungan, niat pembelian produk ramah lingkungan
Penulis: Putu Ari Supandini, Komang Agus Satria Pramudana
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170154

Paket Lengkap Tugas Green Satisfaction Memediasi Hubungan Green Merk Image Terhadap Green Merk Equity

ABSTRACT: This study aims to prove a role in mediating the relationship green merk image and green satisfaction of green merk equity. The sampling method using a non-porbability sampling through accidental sampling and purposive sampling with a sample size of 100 respondents. Data was collected by questionnaire directly spread in the city of Denpasar. The data analysis technique used is Path Analysis (Path Analysis) and Test Sobel. The results showed that green satisfaction can provide mediation effect on merk image teradap green green merk equity. These results prove that green satisfaction has a role in bridging the influence of variable green merk image of green merk equity. So it is important for mamajemen companies that are implementing the concept of green marketing in their marketing strategies to pay attention to the variables green merk image, green satisfaction, and green merk equity in marketing their products.
Penulis: I Putu Dipa Wahyu Pratama, Alit Suryani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170167

Paket Lengkap Tugas Penemuan Produk Memediasi Orientasi Pasar Terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran

ABSTRACT: This study aims to explain the effect of market orientation on product innovation and marketing performance, the effect of product innovation on marketing performance, and the role of product innovation in mediating the influence of market orientation on marketing performance. This research was conducted on the owner or manager of UMKM silver handicrafts in Celuk Village, Gianyar Regency. The method used to determine the sample is non-probability in the form of purposive sampling with sample size of 71 respondents. The data was collected by spreading the questionnaire directly in Celuk Village. Data analysis technique used is path analysis and test of sobel. The results showed that market orientation has a positive and significant effect on product innovation. Market orientation has a positive and significant impact on marketing performance. Product innovation has a positive and significant effect on marketing performance. Product innovation significantly mediates the effect of market orientation on marketing performance.
Penulis: I Gede Dharmana Putra, Gede Bayu Rahanatha
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170169