Showing posts with label Jp Manajemen dd 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jp Manajemen dd 2009. Show all posts

Paket Lengkap Efek Persepsi Desain Toko Terhadap Store Repatronage Intentions Dengan Shopping Experience Costs Sebagai Intervening Di Toko Elektronik “X” Surabaya

ABSTRACT: Pelanggan mempunyai cita-cita untuk menyentuh produk yang akan dibeli semoga sanggup mencicipi tekstur, berat dan besarnya produk tersebut sehingga memperlihatkan pengalaman pada tangan (hands-on experience). Ritel yang menerapkan konsep hands-on display memperbolehkan pengunjung untuk menyentuh dan mencicipi semua produk yang dipajang. Hal ini dianggap sarana yang baik dalam memperlihatkan isu kepada pelanggan perihal teknologi terbaru. Penelitian ini berfokus pada desain speciality store yang menerapkan konsep hands-on display adalah Toko Elektronik “X” Surabaya dan pengaruhnya terhadap store repatronage intentions dengan variabel intervening shopping experience costs. Berdasarkan analisis data terhadap 212 responden yang berbelanja pada toko elektronik “X” diperoleh hasil imbas yang signifikan antara persepsi desain toko kuat terhadap store repatronage intentions dan shopping experience costs. Sedangkan shopping experience costs tidak kuat terhadap store repatronage intentions.
Kata kunci: Desain toko, shopping experience costs, store repatronage intention, hands-on display
Penulis: Sri Gunawan, Rosa Rilantiana, Sony Kusumasondjaja
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090193

Paket Lengkap Perangkap Loyalitas Pelanggan: Sebuah Pemahaman Terhadap Noncomplainers Pada Seting Jasa

ABSTRACT: It has been agreed by practitioners and academicians in marketing area, that there is a strong relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customer loyalty is a subsequent of customer satisfaction. It means that satisfied customers are more likely to be loyal, or in other words, the loyal customers are the satisfied ones. Due to the uniqueness of service, it is likely more difficult to predict and analyze customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, this paper aims at reminding us to rethink about this relationship in service setting. Are loyal customers always the satisfied ones? Had not they ever been disappointed, even just once, with the service providers performance? If they had, why do they still intend to repurchase service to the same service providers? Exploring noncomplainers will tell us the story behind the scene of the two mysterious variables. It is hoped that this paper will be able to help service providers to improve their performance in order to build pure loyalty and also to provide further insight for future research.
Keywords: customers satisfaction, customer loyalty, noncomplainers, service
Penulis: Titik Desi Harsoyo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090194

Paket Lengkap Analisis Dampak Antara Economic Value Edded (Eva), Net Operating Profit After Tax (Nopat),Dan Weighted Average Cost Of Captal (Wacc) Terhadap Market Value Added (Mva) Pada Perusahaan Lq-45

ABSTRACT: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menandakan hasil perdebatan Steren Stewart dengan Pablo Fernandez dan D.V. Ramana mengenai relasi EVA dan unsur-unsur yang membentuk EVA mencakup NOPAT dan WACC terhadap MVA melalui pendekatan secara kuantitatif, dengan metode purposive sampling diperoleh 10 perusahaan yang masuk dalam kategori perusahaan LQ-45 yang layak diteliti sesuai dengan syarat yang ditentukan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis sanggup disimpulkan terdapat relasi posotif yang kuat antara variabel EVA denan MVA. Sedangkan untuk model yang kedua diperoleh bahwa variabel NOPAT dan WACC secara simultan bisa menjelaskan MVA sebesar 80,1% dan sisanya sebesar19,9% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain. Untuk penelitian secara parsial didapatkan NOPAT kuat signifikan terhadap MVA begitu juga dengan WACC kuat signifikan terhadap MVA
Kata kunci: Economic value added (EVA), Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT),dan Weighted Average Cost of Captal (WACC) terhadap Market Value Added (MVA)
Penulis: Soedewi Soedorowedi, Adelia Savitri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090195

Paket Lengkap The Impact Analysis Of Current Human Resource Management Issues Toward Motivation Function: Outsourcing, Mergers-Acquisitions, And Contractual Workers

ABSTRACT: Three main issues which growing in Indonesia in the field of human resource management is: outsourcing, mergers-acquisitions, and contractual workers. These issues effect on job insecurity among workers in company. Job insecurity can decrease workers performance directly and company performance indirectly. Authors describe the practice of those issues in several companies in service industries. Authors give recommendation that organization should manage those issues by concern on motivation function through extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
Keywords: outsourcing, mergers-acquisitions, contractual workers, job insecurity, motivation functions
Penulis: Rony Setiawan, Henky Lisan Suwarno
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090196

Paket Lengkap Hubungan Sikap Perdagangan Investor Dengan Volume Perdagangan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the relationship of behavior trading investor using data detailed transaction history-corporate edition demand and order history in Indonesia Stock Exchange during period of March, April and May 2005. Peculiarly, behavior placing of investor order at trading volume. The result of this paper indicates that trading volume order pattern to have pattern U shape. The pattern happened that investors have strong desires to places order at the opening and close of compared to in trading periods. While the largest orders are of market at the opening indicates that investor is more conservatively when opening, where many orders when opening has not happened transaction to match. In placing order both of investor does similar strategy. By definition, informed investors’ orders more large than uninformed investors. If comparison of order examined hence both investors behavior relatively changes over time. But, statistically shows there is not ratio significant. This implies behavior trading of informed investors and uninformed investors stable relative over time. The result from regression analysis indicates that informed investors to correlate at trading volume in all time intervals, but not all uninformed investors correlates in every time interval. This imply investor order inform is more can explain trading volume pattern compared to uninformed investor order in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Finally, result of regression also finds that order status match has greater role determines trading volume pattern intraday especially informed buy match and informed sale match. While amend, open and withdraw unable to have role to determine intraday trading volume pattern.
Keywords: Behavior of investors, Trading volume, Conservative investors and Order status
Penulis: Ghazali Syamni
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090197

Paket Lengkap Analisis Kinerja Dan Potensi Pertumbuhan Return Portofolio Reksadana Saham Dan Reksadana Campuran

ABSTRACT: The purposes of this study are to analyze the performance of the stock mutual funds and composite mutual funds in Indonesia and to analyze the potency of the return growth of those mutual funds. This study used the monthly return (net asset value-NAV) of 7 stock mutual funds and 11 composite mutual funds, from January 2002 to December 2006*. The monthly composite index of the JSX is used as the proxy for market return. Jensen model is used as the tool to measure of the performance (indicated by Jensen alpha) and the potency of the return growth (indicated by beta). To get an accuracy of the analysis and to avoid bias beta problem, this beta has to be corrected with Fowler and Rorke model, adopted from Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The main results of this research explained that the performance and the potency of the return growth of the stock mutual funds are higher than the composite mutual funds, during the period of analysis.
Keywords: mutual funds, Jensen alpha, beta, biased beta
Penulis: Ferikawita M. Sembiring, Titianingsih Madjan Madjan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090198

Paket Lengkap Imbas Penerapan Jit (Just In Time) Dan Tqm (Total Quality Management) Terhadap Delivery Performance Pada Industri Otomotif Di Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This research discusses the impact of JIT (Just In Time) and TQM (Total Quality Management) application to Delivery Performance. Either JIT or TQM is two concept in management science specially operation management, but in fact that exist in Indonesian companies most of them have not yet applied these concept properly. Many of Indonesian companies applied latest management concept just to keep up with the trend. Unfortunately these concepts might have not been suitable if it applied directly for Indonesian circumstances. This research was conducted in automotive industry, this election is based on history that at the first JIT and TQM born in automotive industry so unquestionable the application of these concepts in this industry is better than other kind of industry. In other hand delivery performance is focus on excellent timing and excellent quality of product produced. Theoretically, JIT application is inseparable form TQM application or vice versa, it one of them applied without application if the other, the result will not be an optimum one. But it is important to remember that large number of existing theories nowadays, was develop in Europe, America and the nearest Japan. There is large number of differences, even the mendasar one in social and culture, it effect to thinking pattern, and working spirit. Indonesia has different culture to Europe, America and Japan. Frequently the application of JIT and also TQM are fail to give significant improvement to company’s performance. It issues some emerging questions: Do JIT and TQM have influence to performance specially delivery performance? Do JIT have influence to performance specially delivery performance? Do TQM have influence to performance specially delivery performance? This research will answer the emerging questions. Following data collection and data processing, the result conclusion will be: JIT and TQM have significant linear influence to delivery performance. In partial, JIT does not give significant linear influence to delivery performance, whereas TQM gives significant linear influence to delivery performance.
Keywords: Operation Management, JIT (Just in Time), TQM (Total Quality Management), Delivery Performance
Penulis: Brigita Meylianti S, Fernando Mulia
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090199

Paket Lengkap Imbas Public Service Motivation Dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi Pemerintahan

ABSTRACT: Public sector organizations, namely governments, are described as “non-productive and inefficient organization”. This negative image of public sector organizations has arisen as a consequence of low public sector organization performance. Public sector performance improvement can be done by manipulating motivational dimensions of public service employee. This research aims to empirically test effect of public service motivation and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on organizational performance in the public sector of Indonesia. In addition, this study also focuses on individual factor of motivation, such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This paper employed 108 respondents that were sampled using convenient sampling. The result showed that there were positive significant influences of public service motivation and job satisfaction on organizational performance. Unfortunately, this study failed to give a proof that OCB influences organizational performance. Moreover, this study showed that there is differences level of motivational between men and women. On average, women have job satisfaction and public service motivation higher than men. This implies that women more satisfy at work than men, and women more likely to value intrinsic reward than men
Keywords: organizational performance, public service motivation, organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction, organizational commitment
Penulis: Puput Tri Tri Komalasari, Moh. Nasih, Teguh Prasetio
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090200

Paket Lengkap Strategic Leadership As Determinant Of Strategic Change: A Theoretical Review And Propositions

ABSTRACT: The strategic change is an issue that closely related to strategic leadership. As this paper elaborates how strategic leadership determines the strategic change, the elaboration of both concept and their relationship are presented through propositions that are developed from the modified Hambrick’s model. Strategic leadership that causes strategic change in terms of strategic process and content within environmental and organizational context will lead to organizational performance as an ultimate outcome.
Key words: Strategic change, strategic leadership, TMT, and performance
Penulis: Ayi Ahadiat
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090201

Paket Lengkap Tunneling Atau Value Added Dalam Seni Administrasi Merger Dan Akuisisi Di Indonesia

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of merger and acquisition strategy for majority and minority shareholders at Indonesia capital market. This research is important since most of company ownership structure in Indonesia is categorized concentrated structure, where its create a conflict between majority and minority shareholders. The population of the research are companies that go public in the Indonesia capital market until the year of 2006. These samples of this research consists of 35 companies, divided two groups : high and low concentrated ownership structure, that are selected based on purposive sampling method. In processes testing the hypothesis, 2 indicators were used, i.e. market indicator and accounting indicator. Event study analysis was used for market indicator, whereas multiple regression analysis was used for accounting indicator. The results show a market reaction negative and statistically significant on merger and acquisition announcement. Effect of merger and acquisition strategy on performance is negative and statistically significant. This is indicated that tunneling by majority shareholder to minority shareholders through merger and acquisition strategy, and acquisition not value added for shareholder minority.
Keywords: tunneling, value added, merger and acquisition strategy, majority and minority shareholders
Penulis: Mutamimah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090202

Paket Lengkap Ethical Work Climate Untuk Membuat Susila Awareness Karyawan Pada Koperasi Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Tribakti Nganjuk

ABSTRACT: This study would examined empirically which one of these ethical criteria, namely self-interest, company, interest, efficiency, friendship, team play, social responsibility, personal morality, rules and procedures, and the law or professional code variables as the criteria’s to create Ethical Work Climate influenced significantly upon adab awareness of the 170 marketing division employee of TRIBAKTI KBPR (Koperasi Bank Perkreditan Rakyat – People Credit Cooperative Bank) in Nganjuk East Java. The result showed that self-interest, company interest, efficiency, friendship, team play, social responsibility, personal morality, rules and procedures, as well as professional code variables simultaneously create significantly employees adab awareness. Individually, rules and procedure, friendship, team play, personal morality, as well as the law or professional code variables were the ethical criteria that significantly arouse adab awareness. While self-interest criteria variable was to some extent significant, it were contrary to adab awareness development of KBPR’s employees. The other three Ethical Work Climate variables, namely company interest, efficiency and social responsibility showed no significant effect.
Keywords: Ethical Work Climate, Moral Awareness
Penulis: Siti Sulasmi, IGM Dwi Widhianto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090203

Paket Lengkap Is There A Fe(Male) Approach In Customer Relationship Management?

ABSTRACT: Customer relationship management (CRM) has been the favorite topic of scores of marketing consultants and academicians for over a decade. CRM approaches marketing as dating in which the marketer attempts to turn strangers into friends and friends into lifetime partners and to retain the loyalty of the right customers for this is the key to long-term profits in a company. Gender theories posit that women and men behave differently, and that they approach things differently. Moreover, these theories have documented a picture of women are being more expert and motivated relationship psychologists than men, as more active in their relationship monitoring, and as more oriented toward the maintenance and success of their relationships. Based on these theories, this paper develops some propositions to facilitate its empirical testing related to relationship communication and relationship dissolution in business market. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, it attempts to create more insight into areas where relationship marketing research to date has not been abundant. Second, this paper attempts to contribute to methodological development of measuring relationship success by systematically distinguishing between good communication relationship and good management relationship.
Keywords: customer relationship management, relationship communication, relationship dissolution
Penulis: Tedy Herlambang
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090204

Paket Lengkap Dampak Relationship Marketing, Trust, Commitment, Citra, Dan Akomodasi Pada Customer Loyalty

ABSTRACT: Objective of this study is to examine the influence of relationship marketing, customer trust, customer commitment, image and facility on customer loyalty. Sample size consists of 200 customers that have intention to loyal toward Hotel Pondok Indah Boyolali-Jawa Tengah. This sample was taken by purposive sampling technique. Validity and reliability testing were done to assurance the truth of data quality that was collected from survey. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was chosen to elaborate the linkage among of these observed variables. The result indicates that customer loyalty significantly influence by trust, commitment, image, and facility. Insignificantly result and implication for further research are also discussed in this study.
Keywords: customer loyalty, customer, trust, customer commitment
Penulis: Budhi Haryanto, Soemarjati T.J
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090205

Paket Lengkap Tugas Switching Costs Sebagai Variabel Moderasi Pada Efek Kepuasan Atas Kualitas Jasa Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Pt. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Unair Di Surabaya

ABSTRACT: This paper examine the influence of satisfaction at service quality (SERVQUAL) that related to customer loyalty with moderated by switching costs in PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk branch UNAIR Surabaya. Variable conduct in this paper is satisfaction at service quality (X), switching costs (Z), and loyalty (Y). Sampling is conducted by purposive non random sampling and use moderated regression analysis to analyze data. The result indicates effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty in customers is less when switching cost is perceived to be high rather than low. In other words, perceived switching cost reduces customers’ sensitivity to the level of customer satisfaction.
Key words: satisfaction, switching costs, loyalty
Penulis: Indrianawati Usman, Ricky Gandhi Saputra
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090206

Paket Lengkap Analisis Faktor-Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Terhadap Persaingan Bisnis (Studi Pada Perusahaan Food And Beverage Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2002 – 2007)

ABSTRACT: This research objectives were to analysis the internal and external factors on business competition, both simultaneously and partially. This research done with quantitative approach. The population in this research were food and beverage firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchanges. This research samples were manufacture firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchanges period 2002 – 2007. Technique of taking the samples done with purposive sampling, namely firm manufacture have not negative earnings and equity for 2002 – 2007. Analysis technique done with statistic descriptive and examination regression, both simultaneously and partial regression. The result of this research without and with lag showed simultaneously internal and external variables have significant effect on business competition. For partial examination without lag showed human resources and marketing, production and finance (equities) had significant effect on business competition, while finance (liabilities), economic development, and outstanding money amount had not significant effect on business competition. In this matter indicated that human resources, marketing, production and finance especially at equities necessarily concerned related with business competition. For partial examination with lag-1 show human resources, marketing, and finance (equities) had significant effect on business competition, while production, finance (liabilities), economic development and outstanding money amount had not significant effect on business competition. In this matter indicating that human resources, marketing, and finance necessary concerned at future business competition.
Keyword: Internal and External Factors, Business Competition
Penulis: Ardi Hamzah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090207

Paket Lengkap Imbas Institutional Investor Terhadap Perusahaan Jasa

ABSTRACT: The study`s purpose is to acknowledge the factors that influence the institutional investor. The samples are service industries included Transportation, Bank, Insurance, Hotel & Travel Services, and Real Estate & Property which listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) for the period of 2002 up to 2007. Independent variables in this study included Variable Firm Size, Capital expenditure to asset, Debt ratio, Book to market value of asset, Dividend Per Share (Turnover), Risk (Volatility), Return On Assets (ROA), Momentum, and price. Meanwhile, dependent variable is Institutional Investor. With using purposive sampling, the total of sample in this study is 18 of industries. Data analysis model are classic assumption test, regression and t-test. Based on t-test, the result of Variable Firm Size, Capital expenditure to asset, Debt ratio, Book to market value of asset, Dividend Per Share (Turnover), Risk (Volatility), Momentum, and price did not has related to Institutional Investor. Capital expenditure to asset and Return on asset (ROA) has related to Institutional Investor. To Manager Finance, result of this research is expected can become company consideration in the field of service in determining factors to draw Investor Institutional.
Keywords: Institutional investor, Institutional ownership, Firm Size, Capital expenditure to asset, Debt ratio, Book value to market value, Turnover, Volatility, Return On Assets (ROA), Momentum, and price
Penulis: Farah Margaretha, Qorrie Aina Nizar
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090208

Paket Lengkap Efisiensi Relatif Perguruan Tinggi Tinggi Negeri Di Indonesia: Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea)

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relative efficiency of 25 Indonesian State Universities in the period of 2002 to 2006. The analysis used in this research was Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with the A.T Flegg, D.O Allen, K. Field and T.W. Thurlow’s model. The input variables used were the number of staff, the number of undergraduate students and the number of postgraduate students. The output variables used were the number of undergraduate alumni and the number of postgraduate alumni. The result was there were many Indonesian state Universities which is significantly efficient in the period of 2002 to 2006.
Key words: efficiency, DEA, state universities
Penulis: Ngatindriatun, Hertiana Ikasari
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090209

Paket Lengkap Analisis Contoh Konsumsi Masyarakat Kota Malang Pasca Kenaikan Harga Materi Makanan

ABSTRACT: The intention of this research are 1) To know how pattern consume society of malang city after the increase of price foodstuff? 2) How pattern consume society of malang city after increase of price of food-stuff compared to previously? and 3) Whether difference of pattern consume society of malang city before and hereafter the increase of price food-stuff? From result of research indicate that there is no change meaning to consume rice and soy (tempe/tofu) before and also after existence of increase of price. This matter give indication that consumption of rice and soy(tempe/tofu) of society is not affected by change (increase of price) remember that rice and soy (tempe/tofu) represent mendasar requisites. As suggestion for the government is shall the stock of soy and rice have to be taken care of don't be scarce in marketing. Rare of soy and rice (tempe/tofu) is disaster for society. For the government is obliged to control price so that did not be heavy against for the society especially the impecunious society.
KEYWORDS: consume, price foodstuff, and malang
Penulis: Dwi Susilowati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090210

Paket Lengkap Imbas Harga Minyak Dunia Dan Suku Bunga Bi Terhadap Harga Saham Pertambangan Januari Kurun 2006-Juli 2008

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research has done to knowing crude oil price dan BI rate to stock price on mining. The hypothesis are guess that crude oil price influence to stock mining and BI rate influence to stock mining. Analysis instrument to knowing influence of crude oil price and BI rate is use multiple linier regression analysis. To know what is the reach of independent variable influence to dependent variable use a hypothesis testing with a partial test (t test), simultant test (f test) and to knowing how the independent variable representative to dependent variable use a godness of fit (R2). The results of hypothesis analysis shows that crude oil price and BI rate have a significant influence to stock mining. Proof from the results shows that F test 259,5605 > F table 3,32.  Partial test shows that crude oil price positive influence to mining which t test > t table (9,446>2,045) and BI rate not influence to mining which t test < t table (-12,008<2,045) with level a significant 5%.
KEYWORDS: crude oil price, BI rate, mining
Penulis: Anisa Iswandari, Nazaruddin Malik
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090211

Paket Lengkap Efek Suku Bunga Luar Negeri Federal Reserve (The Fed), Nilai Tukar Rupiah/Us $ Dan Inflasi Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Adonan Di Bursa Imbas Indonesia Periode 2006-2008

ABSTRACT: The hypothesis are guess that Fed Rate negative influence to jakarta stock composite  index, guess that foreign exchange negative influence to jakarta stock composite  index and inflation negative influence to jakarta stock composite  index. Analysis instrument to knowing influence of fed rate, foreign exchange and inflation are use multiple linier regression analysis. To know what is the reach of independent variable influence to dependent variable use a hypothesis testing with a partial test (t test), simultant test (f test) and to knowing how the independent variable representative to dependent variable use a godness of fit (R2). The results of hypothesis analysis shows that Fed rate, foreign exchange and inflation have a simultant significant influence to jakarta stock composite  index. The evidence from the results shows that F test > F table (35,51624>2,95).  Partial test shows that Fed rate has negative influence to jakarta stock  composite index which t test > t table ((-6.016280 >2,048), foreign exchange has not influence to jakarta stock composite index with level a significant 5% and inflation has negative influence to jakarta stock composite index.
KEYWORDS: FED rate, foreign exchange, inflation
Penulis: Misgayanti, Idah Zuhroh
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd090212