Showing posts with label Soal Bahasa Inggris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soal Bahasa Inggris. Show all posts

Ilmu Gres 100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag Dan Kunci Jawaban

Seperti yang telah kita pelajari sebelumnya, Question Tag ialah pertanyaan pendek yang terletak di selesai kalimat. Fungsinya ialah untuk mengajak lawan bicara menyetujui pernyataan kita. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Question Tag bermakna “ kan, bukan/iya kan, yuk , dong”.

Seperti yang telah kita pelajari sebelumnya Ilmu Baru 100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag dan Kunci Jawaban

100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag 

Untuk menciptakan Question tag, tentunya ada aturan-aturan tertentu. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan baca aturan-aturan menciptakan question tag. Nah, bila kalian sudah memahami hukum question tag, kini kerjakan 100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag berikut ini ya. Jangan khawatir sebab soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya.

1. They aren't my actor, .... ?
2. I have nothing for their have dinner, ....?
3. Syahrul has gone to many beautiful places, ...?
4. Maya wanted to buy shoes, ....?
5. Nothing comes free, ....?
6. People like playing football, ....?
7. She met nobody in her house, ....?
8. Don't join in this meeting, ...?
9. Leave him alone, ...?
10. Corruption can be stopped soon, ....?
11. Drugs is a dangerous thing, ....?
12. She won't meet us soon, ....?
13. Somebody is waiting for you, ....?
14. Some of them knew us, ....?
15. Everyone welcomes the new year, ....?
16. Let's do everything together, ....?
17. They agree with you, ....?
18. We shan't make you jealous, ....?
19. None of them allowed us to join the agenda, ....?
20. The hikers have been too long in the mountain, ....?
21. Mount Merapi destroyed many places again, ....?
22. Natural disaster hadn't taken our money and energy, ....?
23. Don't give up, ....?
24. Tornado killed many people and destroyed everything, ....?
25. Every duduk kasus has many solutions, ....?
26. Fishing was your activity yesterday, ....?
27. The beggars got nothing, ....?
28. Give us some help, ....?
29. There is nothing to do, ....?
30. Let's answer these questions easily, ....?
31. Everyone is dizzy, ....?
32. Everything is ready, ....?
33. No one is perfect, ....?
34. Nothing was ours, ....?
35. Somebody does something in somewhere, ....?
36. Her uncle will have been working at factory, ....?
37. He could do it, ....?
38. I will go if you go home, ....?
39. Let's speak loudly, ....?
40. Few man came there last night, ....?
41. The rich woman will help the poor woman, ....?
42. I am smart student, ....?
43. Antony puts dictionary in his bag, ....?
44. Let me sit beside your frien, ....?
45. She's been tired, ....?
46. He'd forget it, ....?
47. Everyone does it, ....?
48. He was upset, ....?
49. Your sister would be jogging tomorrow morning, ....?
50. Your father and your mother were very glad, ....?
51. Speak English, ....?
52. Don't speak Javanese, ....?
53. Do what he can't do, ....?
54. What you say is nosense!, ....?
55. I always make you happy, ....?
56. His father will go abroad, ....?
57. No one cut the cake, ....?
58. Everything is needed, ....?
59. She hardly ever visited her parents last month, ....?
60. Don't let her tempt your darling, ....?
61. Yours is mine, ....?
62. Your mother will come there soon, ....?
63. You could do this duty seriously, ....?
64. A few children get many experiences, ....?
65. I need little milk today, ....?
66. A man is sitting alone under the tree, ....?
67. His brother will be sad if he is failed, ....?
68. The woman who insulted her last night has regretted, ....?
69. Everybody knows him, ....?
70. His name is John, ....?
71. The football was exciting, ....?
72. That is a bad book, ....?
73. A naughty girl often persuades him, ....?
74. She is visited by him every Sunday, ....?
75. He would forgive them, ....?
76. She would be better learn English before going to England, ....?
77. He would rather stay at home than go to Jakarta, ....?
78. He had had what you had, ....?
79. She would have had a new car if she had won the competition, ....?
80. They've been working for years, ....?
81. Someone was crying, ....?
82. In 2005, Mrs Anita taugh us English, ....?
83. Your name is Egy, ....?
84. Intan is her name, ....?
85. Her son will help her tonight, ....?
86. You've just received a letter from him, ....?
87. I have to struggle hard, ....?
88. He buys a book, ....?
89. I study hard, ....?
90. Many children are discussing, ....?
91. She gets much money, ....?
92. She is able to go home, ....?
93. They are going to give us spare time, ....?
94. My uncle has never been abroad before, ....?
95. He has repaired his car, ....?
96. My pussy cats were dating, ....?
97. Don't make confused !, ....?
98. We aren't losers, ....?
99. Nothing gets into my room, ....?
100. Nobody has right to hurt somebody else, ....?

Download Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag 

Berikut ini ialah kunci tanggapan Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag yang dilengkapi dengan keterangan.
1. are they
2. do I
3. hasn't he
4. didn't she
5. does it
6. don't they
7. did she
8. will you
9. will you
10. can't it
11. isn't it
12. will she
13. aren't they
14. didn't they
15. don't they
16. shall we
17. don't they
18. shall we
19. did they
20. haven't they
21. didn't it
22. had it
23. will you
24. didn't it
25. doesn't it
26. wasn't it
27. did they
28. will you
29. isn't there
30. shall we
31. aren't they
32. isn't it
33. are they
34. was it
35. don't they
36. won't he
37. couldn't you
38. won't I
39. shall we
40. did they
41. won't she
42. aren't I
43. didn't he
44. will you
45. hasn't she
46. wouldn't he
47. don't they
48. wasn't he
49. wouldn't she
50. weren't they
51. will you
52. will you
53. will you
54. will you
55. don't it
56. won't he
57. did they
58. isn't it
59. did she
60. will you
61. isn't it
62. won't she
63. couldn't you
64. don't they
65. do I
66. isn't he
67. won't he
68. didn't she
69. don't they
70. isn't it
71. wasn't it
72. isn't it
73. doesn't she
74. isn't she
75. wouldn't he
76. wouldn't she
77. wouldn't he
78. hadn't he
79. wouldn't she
80. haven't they
81. weren't they
82. didn't she
83. isn't it
84. isn't she
85. won't he
86. haven't you
87. don't I
88. doesn't he
89. don't it
90. aren't they
91. doesn't she
92. isn't she
93. aren't they
94. has he
95. doesn't he
96. weren't they
97. will you
98. are we
99. does it
100. do they

Itulah 100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag dan Kunci Jawaban yang dapat aku bagikan. Silahkan berkomentar bila ada yang ingin ditanyakan :)

Ilmu Gres 150 Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause Dan Kunci Jawaban

Adjective Clause ialah klausa yang menjelaskan atau mengidentifikasi kata benda utama (main noun) yang ada di kalimat induk (main clause). Kata sambung yang dipakai dalam adjective clause disebut relative pronoun.

100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause 

Bagi kalian yang duduk di dingklik SLTP/ MTs/ SMU niscaya bertemu dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause yang katanya gampang-gampang susah. Masa iya sih? Tapi damai saja, alasannya pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan 150 Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause dan Kunci Jawaban. Jika belum paham bahan bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause, silahkan dibaca-baca lagi Pembahasan Adjective Clause dan Penggunaan Relative Pronoun. Setelah itu coba kerjakan soal-soal di bawah ini. Jadi, pada dasarnya di sini kita berguru bersama-sama. Are you ready?

Adjective Clause ialah klausa yang menjelaskan atau mengidentifikasi kata benda utama  Ilmu Baru 150 Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause dan Kunci Jawaban

I. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Who"

1. Are they scared of the blind man?
He has a frightening face.
Answer : .................................................

2. Won't your mother help the old man?
He lives alone in proverty.
Answer : .................................................

3. What did they do to the little boy?
He was drowning in the river.
Answer : .................................................

4. Have you apologized to the girl?
She was disturbed by your noisy voice.
Answer : .................................................

5. Did Smith thank to the lady?
She lent him an umbrella when he got rained.
Answer : .................................................

6. The oldman is not working in this company any longer.
He gots fired for not doing his job well.
Answer : .................................................

7. Is the teacher giving some questions to students?
She was not at work yesterday.
Answer : .................................................

8. What have the boys been doing all afternoon?
They are very crowded and noisy in the livingroom.
Answer : .................................................

9. The patient cannot be recovered soon, can't she?
She is suffering from hunger and dehydration.
Answer : .................................................

10. Didn't the doctor check your father's illness?
He is the only doctor in the district.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. Tina tidak kenal cowok yang duduk di sebelah Jundi, bukan?
Answer : .................................................

2. Pencuri yang ditangkap tadi malam sedang diinterogasi dengan seksama.
Answer : .................................................

3. Apakah pemeran Korea yang akan mengunjungi Indonesia Kim Soo Hyun ?
Answer : .................................................

4. Apakah anak gadis yang sedang berbicara dengan ibumu kelihatan gugup?
Answer : .................................................

5. Dimanakah penyanyi populer yang sedang diwawancarai oleh para wartawan itu tinggal?
Answer : .................................................

6. Cowok yang menggunakan jaket hitam itu ialah sopirku
Answer : ..................................................

7. Gadis yang menyiram bunga-bunga itu selalu menggunakan kerudung merah.
Answer : .................................................

8. Wanita yang sedang tidur di kamarku ialah kakakku.
Answer : .................................................

9. Gadis yang bekerja di toko buku akan memberimu hadiah.
Answer : .................................................

10. Satu-satunya cowok yang bisa memahami Farah ialah Iqbal.
Answer : .................................................

II. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Which"

Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Which" dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Which" sebagai subject non person dan Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Which" sebagai object non person.

A. Relative Pronoun "Which" sebagai Subject non Person

1. When were the documents missing?
They are the evidence of a series homicide.
Answer : .................................................

2. Was the car  repaired by some mechanics?
It was broken down on the way.
Answer : .................................................

3. The houses become terrible, don't they?
They were swept away by the ragging storm.
Answer : .................................................

4. Where did some hunters fine the wounded babybear?
It looked dying and suffering.
Answer : .................................................

5. The police could not capture the escaped lion.
It attacked some people on the screet.
Answer : .................................................

6. The automobile company is well established, isn't it?
It employs thousands workers from various places.
Answer : .................................................

7. The cat is running out of my room.
It is being chased by a crazy dog.
Answer : .................................................

8. The chipmunks are skilled at singing and dancing.
They play in a cartoon movie.
Answer : .................................................

9. The casino is well known in South East Java.
It lies on the hill for about 3000 meters from a sealevel.
Answer : .................................................

10. Do the wild flowers grow in the forest?
They are protected by the law.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. Marshanda tidak bisa memecahkan problem yang berasal dari dirinya sendiri.
Answer : .................................................

2. Lumba-lumba yang biasa hidup dalam kelompok ialah makhluk maritim yang cerdas.
Answer : .................................................

3. Apakah buku tulis yang berada di atas meja itu milikmu?
Answer : .................................................

4. Siapa yang telah menghias keranjang yang terbuat dari rotan?
Answer : .................................................

5. Apakah novel yang bercerita perihal cinta sejati ditulis oleh William?
Answer : .................................................

B. Relative Pronoun "Which" sebagai Object non Person

1. Do you want to know the motion?
Children are discussing about it seriously.
Answer : .................................................

2. The Lorena bus 8A goes a head to my school.
Students always make a line to wait for it.
Answer : .................................................

3. The birds are chirping on the trees, aren't they?
Mother sometimes feeds them.
Answer : .................................................

4. The park has beautiful flower collection and a pool over bridge.
The local goverment built it two years ago.
Answer : .................................................

5. Who can operate the shopisticated computer?
The technician has installed many soft wares in it.
Answer : .................................................

6. Will Joe give you the movie ticket?
He got it from his boss for free.
Answer : .................................................

7. Are the books sold at school?
Students need them for the reference.
Answer : .................................................

8. Nancy said" Who brought the key?"
My father just had renewed it.
Answer : .................................................

9. The eggplants grow well in the farm, don't they?
Paula is chopping them for her cooking.
Answer : .................................................

10. Where did Nino find the cat?
Someone has tried to poison it.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. Tanaman-tanaman jagung yang sudah mulai berbuah sedang diserang hama.
Answer : .................................................

2. Valentino sedang memandangi foto-foto yang diambil di gunung Kelud kemarin.
Answer : .................................................

3. Bukankah cincin ijab kabul yang Luna pakai sama dengan punyamu?
Answer : .................................................

4. Dimanakah gajah-gajah yang para penonton sedang saksikan di arena sirkus dilatih?
Answer : .................................................

5. Siapa yang sedang membaca komik yang saya pinjamkan padamu tadi malam?
Answer : .................................................

III. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Whom"

1. Why didn't Amira ask the waiter to help?
She knew him so well.
Answer : .................................................

2. Is your car repaired by the mechanic?
The boss is very proud of him.
Answer : .................................................

3. Where did the hikers get lost?
The rescue team had searched them around the month.
Answer : .................................................

4. Don't they watch the young player playing soccer?
Journalists call him "a killer in field".
Answer : .................................................

5. The refugees are relocated in a new land, aren't they?
The goverment tries to assist them for a better life.
Answer : .................................................

6. I saw the little child crying in the corridor.
Ayu was trying to make her calm.
Answer : .................................................

7. Isn't Amelia afraid of the man?
I met him on the way just now.
Answer : .................................................

8. Don't you still remember the girl?
Bill saw her and asked what she was doing.
Answer : .................................................

9. Brandon wants to apologize to the woman.
He made her upset by taking her set.
Answer : .................................................

10. What is happening to the famous actress?
The judge is talking to her seriously.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. Apakah beliau cowok yang Nurma selalu bicarakan?
Answer : .................................................

2. Apa yang sedang kau tanyakan kepada dokter yang kau jumpai di rumah sakit kemarin?
Answer : .................................................

3. Bukankah kau kenal lelaki yang ibumu temui di kantornya kemarin?
Answer : .................................................

4. Edo ingin mengunjungi penyanyi pop yang para wartawan sedang wawancarai.
Answer : .................................................

5. Siswa yang gurunya aturan sedang bangun dengan satu kaki di depan kelas.
Answer : .................................................

6. Cowok yang saya cintai ialah cowok yang mencintaimu.
Answer : .................................................

7. Anak-anak yang saya didik menjadi orang-orang sukses.
Answer : .................................................

8. Gadis yang Arman pernah pukul sekarang menjadi pacarnya.
Answer : .................................................

9. Wanita yang pernah kau cintai selalu merindukanmu dari jauh.
Answer : .................................................

10. Pak Anton yang kau takuti itu masih bujangan, kan?
Answer : .................................................

IV. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Whose"

1. Are those the fishermen?
The raging storm has damaged their fishing boat.
Answer : .................................................

2. Does Professor Wilson give an afternoon lecture?
Students like his class and lesson.
Answer : .................................................

3. The truck had been evacuated on time.
Its driver escaped after hitting another car.
Answer : .................................................

4. Rina has made the pudding, hasn't she?
Everyone likes its taste and texture.
Answer : .................................................

5. When did elephants attack the village again?
The city development destroyed their habitat and food supply.
Answer : .................................................

6. The lawyer tried to defend the defendant in the court.
His guilts is hard and unforgivable.
Answer : .................................................

7. Who has written the novel?
Its content is about a moral judgement in society.
Answer : .................................................

8. Will you thank the bank teller?
Her assistance eases your business.
Answer : .................................................

9. Keep away from the cat !
Its body brings a dangerous virus that can make you sick.
Answer : .................................................

10. Isn't that Ronald?
Someone has taken his wife away.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. Gadis yang bapaknya tentara mempunyai 5 pacar.
Answer : .................................................

2. Seorang siswa yang sepedanya dipinjam oleh Andy selalu nampak sedih.
Answer : .................................................

3. Pria yang istrinya sering jalan-jalan keliling dunia ditangkap KPK.
Answer : .................................................

4. Bukankah itu gadis yang senyumannya telah melelehkan hatimu?
Answer : .................................................

5. Wanita renta yang anak gadis beliau satu-satunya diculik oleh para penjahat kelihatan sangat sedih dan tertekan.
Answer : .................................................

6. Pablo yang apartemen barunya telah disita mulai menjalankan perjuangan barunya.
Answer : .................................................

7. Apakah kau telah menyimpan buku yang sampulnya berwarna biru tua?
Answer : .................................................

8. Monyet yang bulunya berwarna keemasan hampir punah.
Answer : .................................................

9. Siapa menyutradarai film romantis yang ceritanya perihal cinta diantara insan dan vampir?
Answer : .................................................

10. Seseorang yang suaranya terdengar sangat bagus akan menjadi seorang penyanyi yang profesional.
Answer : .................................................

V. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Where"

1. Should we preserve the forests?
Wild animals and rare plants are safe there.
Answer : .................................................

2. Is the city very famous in the world?
Many casinos are established there.
Answer : .................................................

3. The volcano is going to erupt soon.
Hikers may not go hiking there.
Answer : .................................................

4. Is the public garden completed with a play ground?
People often have fun with their family there.
Answer : .................................................

5. When was the museum open for visitors?
Ancient human fossils are kept there.
Answer : .................................................

6. The bunker looks very haunting at night.
Hikers usually take a rest there.
Answer : .................................................

7. The ship wreck has been found after a long search.
Seaweeds and sea grasses grow densely there.
Answer : .................................................

8. The beach is dangerous for visitors to swim.
Jelly fish often attack swimmers there.
Answer : .................................................

9. When was the theatre clossed?
Thousands bats live there.
Answer : .................................................

10. The stadium is always crowded every day.
Soccer matches are often carried out there.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. Kelas dimana kita selalu berguru bersama terbuat dari bambu.
Answer : .................................................

2. Kota dimana selalu kita kunjungi sangat indah.
Answer : .................................................

3. Apakah ini gedung dimana beberapa pertemuan internasional dilakukan masih dimanfaatkan hari ini?
Answer : .................................................

4. Kota dimana puluhan juta orang tinggal menerima penghargaan tahun lalu.
Answer : .................................................

5. Taman umum dimana orang-orang sering nongkrong dilengkapi dengan kebun bagus dan taman bermain, iya kan?
Answer : .................................................

6. Sri Ratu, dimana saya dulu biasa berbelanja, bermetamorfosis Kediri Mall.
Answer : .................................................

7. Apakah perusahaan dimana kau dulu biasa bekerja milik orang asing?
Answer : .................................................

8. Ruangan dimana keluarga saya menikmati makan bersama sangat nyaman.
Answer : .................................................

9. Inikah daerah dimana kau selalu bertemu dengan pujaan hatimu?
Answer : .................................................

10. Laut dimana para nelayan biasanya mencari ikan menjadi daerah wisata yang indah.
Answer : .................................................

VI. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "When"

1. Is July the month?
My little brother was born then.
Answer : .................................................

2. Who has told you the day?
You will be engaged then.
Answer : .................................................

3. Does Ronaldo always remember the day?
He was awarded a golden shoe then.
Answer : .................................................

4. Is 2012 the year?
The Doomsday was predicted to happen then.
Answer : .................................................

5. December 22 is the date.
People celebrate Mother Day then.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. 1965 ialah tahun dikala PKI menculik para jenderal.
Answer : .................................................

2. Tahun dikala kita merdeka ialah 1945.
Answer : .................................................

3. Hari dikala Tomy pergi jauh ialah hari Jum'at.
Answer : .................................................

4. Apakah Januari ialah bulan dikala orang-orang merayakan tahun baru?
Answer : .................................................

5. Erlina tidak bisa melupakan hari dikala Thomas memberinya sekuntum mawar merah.
Answer : .................................................

VII. Soal Adjective Clause by Using Comma (,)

A. Tanda koma dipakai apabila terdapat IT di Sub Clause dan harus diganti dengan relative pronoun WHICH. (Standard Written English)

1. Who has made the mixed juice?
Reno likes the taste of it.
Answer : .................................................

2. The golden shoes were bought in the auction.
The owner of them is the legend football player.
Answer : .................................................

3. The bag was found in front of the hotel.
Police wanted to know the content of it.
Answer : .................................................

4. Must the computer be upgraded soon.
The applications of it have been very old.
Answer : .................................................

5. The novel will be filmed on a movie.
The story of it is the famous figure's biography.
Answer : .................................................

6. The summit was carried out in Bali.
The purpose of it is to discuss about the climate change.
Answer : .................................................

7. Is the trailer being dragged to the garage?
The machine of it stops working suddenly.
Answer : .................................................

8. Will Ninda attend the meeting?
The schedule of it is always changed.
Answer : .................................................

9. Are the cars displayed in a showroom?
The designers of them are local engineers.
Answer : .................................................

10. The plants grow along seashores, don't they?
The function of them is to help fish breeding.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. Iwan gres saja membeli beberapa buah jeruk, dua diantaranya Budi ingin memakannya.
Answer : .................................................

2. Pria, yang kedua putranya ditangkap polisi, merasa sangat terkejut.
Answer : .................................................

3. Apakah murid-murid, yang kebanyakan dari mereka menerima nilai bagus, sangat senang?
Answer : .................................................

4. Tanaman, yang daun-daunnya bisa dipakai untuk menyembuhkan penyakit, hanya tumbuh di pegunungan, iya kan?
Answer : .................................................

5. Gedung-gedung tua, yang dinding-dindingnya retak dan kotor, telah ditinggalkan beberapa tahun.
Answer : .................................................

B. Relative pronoun juga bisa dipakai bersama Expression of number. Ketika relative pronoun dipakai bersama expression of number, Main Clause dan Sub Clause harus dipisahkan dengan tanda baca koma (Standard Written English)

1. How is the man getting on ?
I heard one of his sons imprisoned for murdering.
Answer : .................................................

2. Did father want to repair the bike?
Both of this brakes get problem.
Answer : .................................................

3. The applicants are waiting for an interview.
Some of them are high school graduates.
Answer : .................................................

4. Will the boys be punished?
None of them behaves so well.
Answer : .................................................

5. What do you think about Indonesian worker?
Malaysian goverment has deported most of them recently.
Answer : .................................................

6. The fresh flowers were bought in the market for Julia's mother.
One of them has a unique shape.
Answer : .................................................

7. Where did the girl go shopping last Sunday?
Three of them wore a sexy dress.
Answer : .................................................

8. Raline is being interviewed in the manager's office, isn't she?
We know all of her interest in sports.
Answer : .................................................

9. When were the passengers rescued from the ruins of the ship?
Most of them couldn't swim.
Answer : .................................................

10. The vampire slayer tries to help people from vampire's attack.
Most of his power is from God's gifts.
Answer : .................................................

Translate into English !

1. Apakah pohon-pohon yang beberapa diantaranya tumbang alasannya angin kencang berada di depan rumahmu?
Answer : .................................................

2. Bis-bis yang beberapa penuh sesak penumpang sedang melaju perlahan-lahan ke terminal kota. Answer : .................................................

3. Dimana anak yang kedua lengannya patah sedang dirawat inap?
Answer : .................................................

4. Itu bukan cowok yang kedua rekannya ditangkap polisi kemarin.
Answer : .................................................

5. Soal-soal yang sebagian besar pilihan ganda sedang diujikan di ujian tulis ini.
Answer : .................................................

Dengan adanya tumpuan Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause, abang harap kalian yang sebelumnya masih resah menjadi paham. Jika bertemu lagi dengan soal adjective clause, tentunya kalian bisa mengerjakannya dengan mudah. Bagi kalian yang sudah expert, dengan adanya soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause ini, biar semakin perfect :)

Download 150 Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause 

Kunci Jawaban 150 Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause 

Demikianlah 150 Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause dan Kunci Jawaban yang bisa saya bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat. Keep studying and be better.

Jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan berkomentar ! Percayalah, setiap membuka dasbor, pertama yang saya lihat niscaya komentar pengunjung. Itu artinya, saya selaku admin sangat bahagia jikalau ada yang berkomentar namun dengan catatan, "Komentar harus relevan dengan artikel yang dipublish". Terima kasih :)

Ilmu Gres 50 Soal Degrees Of Comparison Dan Kunci Jawaban

Berikut ini yakni pola 50 soal Degrees of Comparison dan kunci jawaban. Sengaja saya buat soal translate biar kalian semakin lancar berbahasa Inggris dengan tetap memperhatikan grammar. Yang belum paham atau masih galau bahan degrees of comparison, silahkan dibaca dulu Penjelasan bahan Degrees of Comparison. Semoga apa yang saya bagikan ini bermanfaat untuk kalian yang sedang mencar ilmu bahasa Inggris.

 soal Degrees of Comparison dan kunci tanggapan Ilmu Baru 50 Soal Degrees of Comparison dan Kunci Jawaban

Translate into English !
1. Suaramu lebih merdu daripada bunyi Ariel Noah.
Answer : ..................................................................

2. Farel mencar ilmu lebih keras daripada Tino?
Answer : ..................................................................

3. Di manakah taman paling luas di kota ini?Answer : ..................................................................

4. Mengapa buku-bukumu lebih murah daripada buku-buku ku?
Answer : ..................................................................

5. Kami tidak semiskin kau pada dikala ini.
Answer : ..................................................................

6. Bukuku lebih tipis dari pada buku Hasan.
Answer : ..................................................................

7. Berapa buku yang lebih mahal daripada milik kami?
Answer : ..................................................................

8. Siapakah murid paling berakal di kelasmu?
Answer : ..................................................................

9. Tas siapa yang paling mahal harganya?
Answer : ..................................................................

10. Kamus yang mana yang lebih tebal?
Answer : ..................................................................

11. Kursi merah ini semakin usang semakin jelek, iya kan?
Answer : ..................................................................

12. Lihat ! Andika semakin usang semakin bingung.
Answer : ..................................................................

13. Ceritamu semakin usang semakin mengasyikkan.
Answer : ..................................................................

14. Semakin canggih ponselku, semakin mahal harganya.
Answer : ..................................................................

15. Semakin imut dia, semakin lucu dia.
Answer : ..................................................................

16. Semakin sempit ruangan itu, semakin kotor lantainya.
Answer : ..................................................................

17. Marsya kini lebih bagus dari yang dulu.
Answer : ..................................................................

18. Badrun bekerja lebih ceroboh daripada Badri.
Answer : ..................................................................

19. Siapakah laki-laki terpendek di dunia ini?
Answer : ..................................................................

20. Apakah Nadia serajin abang perempuannya?
Answer : ..................................................................

21. Mereka tinggal di rumah yang lebih besar.
Answer : ..................................................................

22. Apa yang paling menantang dari permainan ini?
Answer : ..................................................................

23. Siapa yang lebih kaya dari Bill Gates?
Answer : ..................................................................

24. Soal-soal ini semakin usang semakin sulit bagiku.
Answer : ..................................................................

25. Mobil ini tidak sebagus mobilmu.
Answer : ..................................................................

26. Semakin usang semakin banyak yang membaca artikelku.
Answer : ..................................................................

27. Menurutku, pemain film Korea paling tampan yakni Kim Soo Hyun.
Answer : ..................................................................

28. Siapa cewek paling bagus di desamu?
Answer : ..................................................................

29. Kulitmu tidak seputih kulitku.
Answer : ..................................................................

30. Kerbau tidak dapat berlari secepat kuda.
Answer : ..................................................................

31. Afika minum susu sebanyak Tina.
Answer : ..................................................................

32. Gaji guru setinggi honor polisi.
Answer : ..................................................................

33. Sebanyak 100 siswa pergi ke Bali tadi malam.
Answer : ..................................................................

34. Semakin keras kita mencar ilmu semakin pandai kita.
Answer : ..................................................................

35. Semakin usang semakin banyak orang tiba ke Raja Ampat.
Answer : ..................................................................

36. Lebih dari 10 orang tiba ke sini tadi malam.
Answer : ..................................................................

37. Borobudur yakni Candi terbesar di dunia.
Answer : ..................................................................

38. Gadis yang paling menarik sedang menyanyi di atas panggung.
Answer : ..................................................................

39. Saiful semakin usang semakin tinggi.
Answer : ..................................................................

40. Ibuku mempunyai anak lebih sedikit daripada tanteku.
Answer : ..................................................................

41. Guru terbaik yakni pengalaman.
Answer : ..................................................................

42. Semakin banyak kau bercerita, semakin saya ngantuk.
Answer : ..................................................................

43. Semakin jauh kamu, semakin saya rindu.
Answer : ..................................................................

44. Tidak ada salahnya punya badan gemuk. Semakin gemuk semakin sexy.
Answer : ..................................................................

45. Apa yang paling kau sukai?
Answer : ..................................................................

46. Bukankah Pluto planet yang paling jauh?
Answer : ..................................................................

47. Kamu sedikit lebih pandai dari saya.
Answer : ..................................................................

48. Dapatkah kau berjalan sedikit lebih pelan?
Answer : ..................................................................

49. Kami merasa sedikit lebih segar.
Answer : ..................................................................

50. Jadilah menyerupai padi, semakin tinggi semakin merunduk.
Answer : ..................................................................

Download 50 Soal Degrees of Comparison

Kunci Jawaban 50 Soal Degrees of Comparison
1. Your voice is more melodious than Ariel Noah's voice.
2. Farel studies harder than Tino.
3. Where is the largest park in this city?
4. Why are your books cheaper than my books?
5. We are not as poor as you at present.
6. My book is slimmer than Hasan's.
7. How many books are more expensive than ours?
8. Who is the smartest student in your class?
9.  Whose bag is more expensive of price?
10. Which dictionary is ticker?
11. This red chair is uglier and uglier, isn't it?
12. Look! Andika is more and more confused.
13. Your story is more and more interesting.
14. The more sophisticated my phone is, the more expensive the price.
15. The cuter she is, the funnier she is.
16. The narrower the room is, the dirtier the floor.
17. Marsya now is more beautiful than she was.
18. Badrun woks more careless than Badri.
19. Who is the shortest man in this world?
20. Is Nadia as diligent as her older sister?
21. They live in a bigger house.
22. What is the most callenge from this game?
23. Who is richer than Bill Gates?
24. These questions are more and more difficult to me.
25. This car is not as good as your car.
26. More and more people read my article.
27. In my opinion, the handsomest Korean actor is Kim Soo Hyun.
28. Who is the prettiest girl in your village?
29. Your skin is not as white as mine.
30. The bufallo can't run as fast as the horse.
31. Afika drinks milk as much as Tina.
32. The teacher's salary is as high as the police's.
33. As many as 100 pupils went to Bali last night.
34. The harder we study, the smarter we are.
35. More and more people come to Raja Ampat.
36. More than 10 people came here last night.
37. Borobudur is the biggest temple in the world.
38. The most interesting girl is singing on the stage.
39. Saiful is taller and taller.
40. My mother has children fewer than my aunt.
41. The best teacher is experience.
42. The more you tell story, the more I am sleepy.
43. The fasther you are, the more I miss you.
44. There is no harm having a fat body. The fatter the sexier.
45. What do you like most?
46. Isn't Pluto the farthest planet?
47. You are little bit smarter than me.
48. Can you walk little bit more slowly?
49. I feel little bit fresher.
50. Be like a rice tree, the higher the more ducked.

Demikianlah 50 Soal Degrees of Comparison dan Kunci Jawaban. Semoga bermanfaat. Jika ada kesalahan pada kunci jawaban, jangan sungkan-sungkan untuk mengingatkan. Makara pada dasarnya di sini kita sama-sama mencar ilmu :)

Ilmu Gres 120 Soal Passive Voice Dan Kunci Jawaban

Kalimat pasif / Passive Voice ialah kalimat yang doer/ agent atau pelaku berada di posisi objek dan secara grammatical diawali oleh preposisi by yang artinya oleh. Dan berikut ini ialah teladan 120 Soal Passive Voice dan Kunci Jawaban. Jika kalian belum paham atau masih resah bagaimana cara mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif, silahkan dibaca lagi Pelajaran bahasa Inggris Passive Voice. Setelah itu kerjakan soal-soal di bawah ini ya... Jangan takut tidak bisa, alasannya soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban.

 agent atau pelaku berada di posisi objek dan secara grammatical diawali oleh preposisi by Ilmu Baru 120 Soal Passive Voice dan Kunci Jawaban

Berbicara wacana passive voice, saya pernah mempelajarinya yang mana passive voice hanya dipakai oleh 8 tenses non continuous dan 2 tenses continuous. Namun saya juga pernah membaca buku yang mana passive voice dapat dipakai oleh semua tenses (16 tenses). Dan di bawah ini saya bagikan teladan soal passive voice yang dipakai oleh 7 tenses yang paling banyak dipakai ditambah passive voice dengan variasi modal auxiliary.


Berikut ini ialah soal Present passive voice yaitu mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif dan soal translate. Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, polanya ialah :

 agent atau pelaku berada di posisi objek dan secara grammatical diawali oleh preposisi by Ilmu Baru 120 Soal Passive Voice dan Kunci Jawaban

I. Move these sentences below into passive voice !

1. Rudi visits them
Answer : ......................................................

2. Rina waters the flowers.
Answer : ......................................................

3. Vita finds a wallet.
Answer : ......................................................

3. Jonathan is buying some books.
Answer : ......................................................

4. He doesn't describe the good painting.
Answer : ......................................................

5. Mother has just made orange juice.
Answer : ......................................................

6. The farmer is planting the paddy.
Answer : ......................................................

7. A teacher has explained the lesson too much.
Answer : ......................................................

8. Has a child learnt how to make a paper plane?
Answer : ......................................................

9. My sister hasn't translated an English story.
Answer : ......................................................

10. Dio embraces Celly tightly.
Answer : ......................................................

11. The policemen are guarding the precident.
Answer : ......................................................

12. Does the factory produce many kinds of plastic?
Answer : ......................................................

13. Are some people cutting those big trees?
Answer : ......................................................

14. Have many children fed the cats today?
Answer : ......................................................

15. Mr. Farhan is scolding Nandito.
Answer : ......................................................

16. Who seldom drinks green tea?
Answer : ......................................................

17. How many tickets does Adam buy?
Answer : ......................................................

18. Who has paid the tax?
Answer : ......................................................

19. Why do the students learn this lesson?
Answer : ......................................................

20. What does the cat play?
Answer : ......................................................

21. Whose pencil does Talita take for writing?
Answer : ......................................................

22. Whom has the teacher advised?
Answer : ......................................................

23. Whom does your mother help?
Answer : ......................................................

24. Who writes this article?
Answer : ......................................................

25. How many magazines have the children torn in the living room?
Answer : ......................................................

26. How much water has your sister drunk?
Answer : ......................................................

27. Where do they plant the trees?
Answer : ......................................................

28. Has Andy stolen your bike?
Answer : ......................................................

29. What is father reading?
Answer : ......................................................

30. When do they return my book?
Answer : ......................................................

II. Translate into English !

1. Apakah uangmu sering dipakai dengan baik oleh keluargamu?
Answer : ......................................................

2. Baju-baju itu dijemur di belakang rumahku.
Answer : ......................................................

3. Fredy sedang diburu polisi alasannya kasus narkoba.
Answer : ......................................................

4. Kitab suci ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab, iya kan?
Answer : ......................................................

5. Ikan-ikan ini dipelihara di kolamku.
Answer : ......................................................

6. Mengapa pelajaran sulit ini sering dilupakan?
Answer : ......................................................

7. Mobil siapa yang biasanya diparkir di depan rumahku?
Answer : ......................................................

8. Apa yang sedang dimakan oleh kerbau-kerbau ini?
Answer : ......................................................

9. Lemari di kamarmu telah dikunci, iya kan?
Answer : ......................................................

10. Nama siapa yang belum disebut?
Answer : ......................................................

11. Siapa yang sedang dieksekusi oleh pak Amat?
Answer : ......................................................

12. Apakah mereka dibayar setiap bulan?
Answer : ......................................................

13. Soal-soal ini dijawab dengan tepat oleh Bima.
Answer : ......................................................

14. Apakah kalung ini sedang dicari sampai sekarang?
Answer : ......................................................

15. Anak siapa yang telah diajak ke pesta itu?
Answer : ......................................................

16. Siapa yang telah diwawancarai di ruangan ini baru-baru ini?
Answer : ......................................................

17. Pelajaran ini gres saja dijelaskan oleh pak Hary.
Answer : ......................................................

18. Sepeda rusak itu sedang diperbaiki oleh pak Anam.
Answer : ......................................................

19. Sebuah dilema penting sedang didiskusikan dalam rapat itu.
Answer : ......................................................

20. Nikita tidak ingin diganggu oleh siapapun.
Answer : ......................................................


Berikut ini ialah soal Past passive voice yaitu mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif dan soal translate. Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, polanya ialah :

 agent atau pelaku berada di posisi objek dan secara grammatical diawali oleh preposisi by Ilmu Baru 120 Soal Passive Voice dan Kunci Jawaban

I. Move these sentences below into passive voice !

1. Anton visited grandmother.
Answer : ......................................................

2. Amanda returned my book last night.
Answer : ......................................................

3. My father bought this car last year.
Answer : ......................................................

4. They were cutting a big tree.
Answer : ......................................................

5. Jono had edited ten articles last month.
Answer : ......................................................

6. Marchell was watering the plants.
Answer : ......................................................

7. The police picked up them in a cafe last night.
Answer : ......................................................

8. The seller offered some discounts to the buyers.
Answer : ......................................................

9. Who borrowed your dictionary?
Answer : ......................................................

10. Which book did they hide?
Answer : ......................................................

11. Whom did Ridho remind?
Answer : ......................................................

12. What book was Elma looking for?
Answer : ......................................................

13. Who disappointed you?
Answer : ......................................................

14. How many books did Farida cover?
Answer : ......................................................

15. Why did the teacher leave the meeting last night?
Answer : ......................................................

16. Why did Mr. Rozak scold you yesterday?
Answer : ......................................................

17. Whose secretary stole an important document?
Answer : ......................................................

18. How many coconuts did Angga send to the market?
Answer : ......................................................

19. How much water were the villagers taking on the desert last week?
Answer : ......................................................

20. Where did Anita bring those kittens?
Answer : ......................................................

II. Translate into English !

1. Monas dibangun pada tahun 1986 oleh Presiden Souharto.
Answer : ......................................................

2. Perhiasan bibiku telah dicuri tadi malam.
Answer : ......................................................

3. Gedung-gedung bau tanah itu diledakkan seminggu yang lalu.
Answer : ......................................................

4. Temanku sedang diwawancari oleh pemilik perusahaan tadi pagi.
Answer : ......................................................

5. Sapiku dibeli oleh seorang wanita yang baik hati hari Minggu lalu.
Answer : ......................................................

6. Apa yang sedang dibicarakan oleh mereka semalam?
Answer : ......................................................

7. Apakah mobilmu sedang dicat jam 8 kemarin?
Answer : ......................................................

8. Buah apa yang sedang diperas oleh kakakmu saat saya tiba tadi malam?
Answer : ......................................................

9. Apa yang sudah dimakan oleh adik perempuanmu kemarin?
Answer : ......................................................

10. Baju-baju siapa yang sedang dijemur di atas rumput kemarin siang?
Answer : ......................................................


Berikut ini ialah soal Future passive voice yaitu mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif dan soal translate. Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, polanya ialah :

 agent atau pelaku berada di posisi objek dan secara grammatical diawali oleh preposisi by Ilmu Baru 120 Soal Passive Voice dan Kunci Jawaban

I. Move these sentences below into passive voice !

1. A manager will interview the applicants next week.
Answer : ......................................................

2. My father will buy a paddy field tomorrow morning.
Answer : ......................................................

3. Hasnah will tell intersting story in front of audience.
Answer : ......................................................

4. The commitee will hold a beautiful contest next month.
Answer : ......................................................

5. Mrs. Dani will punish Reno if  he doesn't do his homeworks.
Answer : ......................................................

6. Will visitors read all my articles?
Answer : ......................................................

7. When will she return my money?
Answer : ......................................................

8. Whose boy will she love?
Answer : ......................................................

9. What will they look at?
Answer : ......................................................

10. Who is going to guide us?
Answer : ......................................................

II. Translate into English !

1. Pesan anda akan dijawab segera.
Answer : ......................................................

2. Suratmu akan diposkan besok pagi.
Answer : ......................................................

3. Apakah candi ini akan dipugar lagi?
Answer : ......................................................

4. Teman usang biasanya akan terlupakan.
Answer : ......................................................

5. Nomormu akan diganti secepatnya.
Answer : ......................................................

6. Kertas-kertas ini akan dibakar besok pagi.
Answer : ......................................................

7. Apa yang akan dibangun di kotaku?
Answer : ......................................................

8. Akankah ia tertipu lagi?
Answer : ......................................................

9. Siapa yang akan dianugerahkan sebagai siswa terbaik?
Answer : ......................................................

10. Siapa yang akan ditemui ayahmu nanti malam?
Answer : ......................................................


Berikut ini ialah soal Modal auxiliary in passive voice yaitu mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif dan soal translate. Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, polanya ialah :
 agent atau pelaku berada di posisi objek dan secara grammatical diawali oleh preposisi by Ilmu Baru 120 Soal Passive Voice dan Kunci Jawaban

I. Move these sentences below into passive voice !

1. They can finish the homeworks well.
Answer : ......................................................

2. My father is able to fix this radio.
Answer : ......................................................

3. Lastri has to sweep the floor everyday.
Answer : ......................................................

4. They must be able to apply the rule.
Answer : ......................................................

5. Anto might visit this house last week.
Answer : ......................................................

6. Must they remind you?
Answer : ......................................................

7. Could Arman invite a singer to entertain us?
Answer : ......................................................

8. Who can operate this machine?
Answer : ......................................................

9. What do the students have to buy?
Answer : ......................................................

10. How many books does Anggita have to cover?
Answer : ......................................................

II. Translate into English !

1. Kebutuhanmu tidak harus dipenuhi oleh orang tuamu.
Answer : ......................................................

2. Bahasa Inggrismu harus diperbaiki.
Answer : ......................................................

3. Barang-barang antik dapat ditemukan di museum.
Answer : ......................................................

4. Sampah harus dibuang di daerah sampah.
Answer : ......................................................

5. Barang-barang ini harus dikirim tepat waktu.
Answer : ......................................................

6. Bolehkah tas-tas mahal ini disimpan di lemariku?
Answer : ......................................................

7. Berapa waktu yang dapat dipakai sebaik mungkin?
Answer : ......................................................

8. Haruskah pekerjaan-pekerjaan itu dikerjakan dengan segera?
Answer : ......................................................

9. Buku mana yang boleh dibaca oleh mereka?
Answer : ......................................................

10. Mengapa bawah umur seharusnya dapat dibimbing oleh orang bau tanah mereka?
Answer : ......................................................

Download 120 Soal Passive Voice

Kunci Jawaban 120 Soal Passive Voice


1. They are visited by Rudy.
2. The flowers are watered by Rina.
3. A wallet is found by Vina.
4. Some books are being bought by Jonathan.
5. Orange juice has been made by mother.
6. The paddy is being planted by the farmer.
7. The lesson has been explained by a teacher too much.
8. Has how to make a paper plane been learnt by a child?
9. My sister hasn't translated an English story.
10. Celly is embraced by Dio tightly.
11. The precident is being guarded by the policemen.
12. Are many kinds of plastic produced by the factory?
13. Are those big trees being cut by some people?
14. Have the cats been fed by many children today?
15. Nandito is being scolded by Mr. Farhan.
16. By whom is green tea seldom drunk?
17. How many tickets are bought by Adam?
18. By whom has the tax been paid?
19. Why is the lesson learnt by the students?
20. What is played by the cat?
21. Whose pencil is taken by Talita for writing?
22. Who has been advised by the teacher?
23. Who is helped by your mother?
24. By whom is this article written?
25. By how many magazines have been torn by the children in the living room?
26. How much water has been drunk by your sister?
27. Where are the trees planted by them?
28. Has your bike been stolen by Andy?
29. What is being read by father?
30. When is my book returned by them?


1. Is your money often used well by your family?
2. Those clothes are dried behind my house.
3. Fredy is being hunted by the police because of drug case.
4. This holy book is written in Arabic language, isn't it?
5. These fish are maintained in my fishpond.
6. Why is this difficult lesson often forgotten?
7. Whose car is usually parked in front of my house?
8. What is being eaten by these buffaloes?
9. Cupboard in your bedroom has been locked, hasn't it?
10. Whose name hasn't been called?
11. Who is being punished by Mr. Amat?
12. Are they paid each month?
13. These questions are answered perfectly by Bima.
14. Is this necklage being looked for until now?
15. Whose child has been invited to that party?
16. Who has been interviewed in this room recently?
17. This lesson has just been explained by Mr. Hary.
18. That broken bike is being fixed by Mr.Anam.
19. A urgent problem is being discussed in that meeting.
20. Nikita doesn't want to be disturbed by anyone.


1. Grandmother was visited by Anton.
2. My book was returned by Amanda last night.
3. This car was bought by my father last year.
4. A big tree was being cut by them.
5. Ten articles had been edited by Jono last month.
6. The plants were being watered by Marchell.
7. They were picked up by the police in a cafe last night.
8. Some discounts were offered by the seller to the buyers.
9. By whom was your dictionary borrowed?
10. Which book was hidden by them?
11. Who was reminded by Ridho?
12. What book was being looked for by Elma?
13. By whom were you disappointed?
14. How many books were covered by Farida?
15. Why was the meeting left by the teacher last night?
16. Why were you scolded by Mr. Rozak yesterday?
17. By whose secretary was an important document stolen?
18. How many coconuts were sent by Angga to the market?
19. How much water was being taken by the villagers on the desert last week?
20. Where were those kittens brought by Anita?


1. Monas was built in 1986 by president Soeharto.
2. Jewerly's aunt had been stolen last night.
3. Those old halls were burst one week ago.
4. My friend was being interviewed by the owner of company this morning.
5. My cow was bought by a kind woman last Sunday.
6. What was being talking about by them last night?
7. Was your car being painted at 8 o'clock yesterday?
8. What fruit was being extracted by your sister when I came last night?
9. What had been eaten by your younger sister yesterday?
10. Whose dresses were being dried on the grass yesterday afternoon.


1. The applicants will be interviewed by a manager next week.
2. A paddy field will be bought by my father tomorrow morning.
3. Intersting story will be toll by Hasnah in front of audience.
4. A beautiful contest will be held by the commitee next month.
5. Reno will be punished by Mrs. Dani if he doesn't do his homeworks.
6. Will all my articles be read by visitors?
7. When will my money be returned by her?
8. Whose boy will be loved by her?
9. What will be looked at by them?
10. By whom are we going to be guided?


1. This message will be replied soon.
2. Your letter will be posted tomorrow morning.
3. Will this temple be restored again?
4. Old friend usually will be forgotten.
5. Your number will be replaced immediatelly.
6. These papers will be burnt tomorrow morning.
7. What will be built in my town?
8. Will she be deceived again?
9. Who will be awarded as the best student?
10. Who will be met by your father tonight?


1. The homeworks can be finished well by them.
2. This radio is able to be fixed by my father.
3. The floor has to be swept by Lastri.
4. The rule must be able to be applied by them.
5. This house might be visited by Anto last week.
6. Must you be reminded by them?
7. Could a singer be invited by arman to entertain us?
8. By whom can this machine be operated?
9. What has to be bought by the students?
10. How many books have to be covered by Anggita?


1. Your necessity doesn't have be fulfilled by your parents.
2. Your English must be improved.
3. The antiques can be found in the museum.
4. Rubish must be torn in the dustbin.
5. These goods must be sent on time.
6. May these expensive bags be stored in my cupboard?
7. How much time can be used as good as possible?
8. Must those works be done soon?
9. Whose book may be read by them?
10. Why should the children be able to be guided by their parents?

Itulah 120 Soal Passive Voice dan Kunci Jawaban yang dapat saya bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat. Jika ada kesalahan pada kunci jawaban, mohon koreksinya. Terima kasih.

Ilmu Gres Soal Direct Indirect Speech Dan Kunci Tanggapan Part 1

Direct Indirect Speech ialah kalimat eksklusif dan kalimat tidak langsung. Direct speech /Quoted speech ialah kalimat langsung, sedangkan Indirect spech/Reported speech ialah kalimat yang tidak langsung. Dan berikut ini ialah contoh soal direct indirect speech dan kunci balasan part 1. Soal direct indirect speech ini sengaja aku kelompokkan menjadi beberapa part alasannya ialah begitu banyaknya hukum yang harus diterapkan contohnya perubahan tenses, pronoun dan adveb.

Banyak yang menyampaikan materi direct indirect speech ialah yang paling sulit. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan dibaca Penjelasan wacana Direct Indirect Speech. Mudah-mudahan dapat dipahami.

Soal Direct Indirect Speech

Direct Indirect Speech ialah kalimat eksklusif dan kalimat tidak eksklusif Ilmu Baru Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part 1

Direct indirect speech dibagi menjadi beberapa macam salah satunya yaitu direct indirect speech from statement. Artinya kalimat berasal dari pernyataan. Statement of direct indirect  umumnya memakai tenses simple present dan simple past. Seperti yang aku katakan tadi, direct indirect speech ini mempunyai banyak hukum yang harus diterapkan contohnya perubahan tenses, pronoun dan adveb. Perubahan tenses hanya terjadi jikalau main clause direct bertenses simple past.

Dan berikut ini cara mengubah Tenses pada Sub clause jikalau tenses main clause direct ialah simple past.

Direct Indirect Speech ialah kalimat eksklusif dan kalimat tidak eksklusif Ilmu Baru Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part 1

Jika kalimat dalam Direct Speech berupa Tenses yang aku lingkari maka dalam Indirect Speech Tenses tidak berubah (tetap).

Oke deh, kini kita kerjakan tolong-menolong ya, soal direct indirect speech di bawah ini. Jangan khawatir alasannya ialah soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban.

I. Move to Indirect speech (Simple Present)

1. She says ," He helps me today".
Answer : .............................................................

2. She says ," My book is taken by Arya".
Answer : .............................................................

3. Aldo says." I am not your perfect man, am I?"
Answer : .............................................................

4. Romy has said," You must be carefull on the way with your family today".
Answer : .............................................................

5. Annisa says." I would be here if you were my darling".
Answer : .............................................................

6. She has told me," We gave these book two days ago".
Answer : .............................................................

7. My uncle says," It is for you".
Answer : .............................................................

8. They say to me," We don't take this book for him".
Answer : .............................................................

9. You have said to him," I wasn't waiting for your teacher last night".
Answer : .............................................................

10. Nino has said." My father knows what you want in this place".
Answer : .............................................................

11. Talita says," This cat is mine".
Answer : .............................................................

12. Marta says", The weather is very hot".
Answer : .............................................................

13. Bayu has said," I am studying now".
Answer : .............................................................

14. Irfan and Afi say," We are always together".
Answer : .............................................................

15. He says to me," I don't understand your language".
Answer : .............................................................

16. My sister is saying to me," I have something for your family".
Answer : .............................................................

17. He tells me," My friends are waiting for me".
Answer : .............................................................

18. Mother has told us," You must study hard".
Answer : .............................................................

19. She says to me," I go to swimming every Sunday".
Answer : .............................................................

20. He says to me," Mine is yours".
Answer : .............................................................

II. Move to Indirect speech (Simple past)

1. He said," She helps my close friend today".
Answer : .............................................................

2. Nadia told me," Ayu will go home tomorrow".
Answer : .............................................................

3. Mr. Gandung said," I will sell my house".
Answer : .............................................................

4. Alfian told his mom," I like your hair".
Answer : .............................................................

5. Dani and Maya said," We have sold our house".
Answer : .............................................................

6. They said," You really want to know her, don't you?"
Answer : .............................................................

7. She said," You may call my name what you want, mayn't you?"
Answer : .............................................................

8. Uncle said to aunt," I was building these house for you".
Answer : .............................................................

9. Luna said," You are not mine but Sophia's now".
Answer : .............................................................

10. He said," No girl would be mine yerterday".
Answer : .............................................................

11. She said," He does something to me in this park today".
Answer : .............................................................

12. Harsa said," You have to return my book at this time".
Answer : .............................................................

13. Joko said," If I am a rich man, I will build a large park here".
Answer : .............................................................

14. He said," I would accuse you if you made mistakes yesterday".
Answer : .............................................................

15. Nana told me," We have been here".
Answer : .............................................................

16. He said to her," I don't bring your dictionary".
Answer : .............................................................

17. Sania said," Your father would have invited me if I knew him".
Answer : .............................................................

18. He said to me," Indah isn't in my room."
Answer : .............................................................

19. They said to me," You looked so busy last night".
Answer : .............................................................

20. My father said to me," I will not bring your mobilephone".
Answer : .............................................................

21. She said to me," I must stay here at 10 PM".
Answer : .............................................................

22. He said," You must come again here tomorrow".
Answer : .............................................................

23. Father said," You can ask to your teacher if you haven't understood".
Answer : .............................................................

24. Angga said," Your sister was being visited by her boyfriend, wasn't she?
Answer : .............................................................

25. She said," This bag won't be given to you, will it?
Answer : .............................................................

26. Uncle said," My car was stolen last week".
Answer : .............................................................

27. He said," You can be more serious than I do".
Answer : .............................................................

28. Erika said," I have to drive my car myself because my car isn't yours".
Answer : .............................................................

29. She said to me," I had understood your questions yesterday".
Answer : .............................................................

30. You said to me," I will buy a big house tomorrow".
Answer : .............................................................

Download Soal Direct Indirect Speech Part 1

Kunci Jawaban Room I (Simple Present)
1. She says that he helps her today.
2. She says that her book is taken by Arya.
3. Aldo says that he is not my perfect man, is he?
4. Romy has said that I must be carefull on the way with my family today.
5. Annisa says that she would be here if I were her darling.
6. She has told me that we gave these book two days ago.
7. My uncle says that it is for me.
8. They say to me that we don't take this book for him.
9. You have said to him that you weren't waiting for his teacher last night.
10. Nino has said that his father knows what I want in this place.
11. Talita says that this cat is hers.
12. Marta says that the weather is very hot.
13. Bayu has said that he is studying now.
14. Irfan and Afi say that they are always together.
15. He says to me that he doesn't understand my language.
16. My sister is saying to me that she has something for my family.
17. He tells me that his friends are waiting for him".
18. Mother has told us that we must study hard.
19. She says to me that she goes to swimming every Sunday.
20. He says to me that his is mine.

Kunci Jawaban Room II (Simple Past)
1. He said that she helped his close friend that day.
2. Nadia told me that Ayu would go home the next day.
3. Mr. Gandung said that he would sell his house.
4. Alfian told his mom that he liked her hair.
5. Dani and Maya said that they had sold their house.
6. They said that I really wanted to know her, didn't I?"
7. She said that I might call her name what I wanted, mightn't I?
8. Uncle said to aunt that he had been building those house for her.
9. Luna said that I wasn't hers but Sophia's then.
10. He said that no girl would have been his the day before.
11. She said that he did something to her in that park that day.
12. Harsa said that I had to return his book at that time".
13. Joko said that if he were a rich man, he would build a large park there.
14. He said that he would have accused me if I had made mistakes the day before.
15. Nana told me that we had been there.
16. He said to her that he didn't bring my dictionary.
17. Sania said that my father would have invited her if she had known him.
18. He said to me that Indah wasn't in his room.
19. They said to me that I had looked so busy the night before.
20. My father said to me that he would not bring my mobilephone.
21. She said to me that she had to stay there at 10 PM.
22. He said that I had to come again there the following day.
23. Father said," I could ask to my teacher if I hadn't understood.
24. Angga said that my sister had been being visited by her boyfriend, hadn't she?
25. She said that that bag wouldn't be given to me, would it?
26. Uncle said that his car had been stolen the week before.
27. He said that I could be more serious than he did.
28. Erika said that she had to drive her car herself because her car wasn't mine.
29. She said to me that she had understood my questions the day before.
30. You said to me that you would buy a big house the next day.

Demikianlah Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part 1 yang dapat aku bagikan. Memang agak susah dan ribet ya? Tapi masih mending mengerjakan soal-soal bahasa Inggris daripada soal-soal Fisika, Kimia dan Matematika. Right?

Untuk soal direct indirect speech selain statement, kalian dapat klik Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part 2

Oh ya, jikalau ada kesalahan pada kunci jawaban, jangan sungkan-sungkan untuk mengingatkan. Terima kasih ...

Ilmu Gres Soal Direct Indirect Speech Dan Kunci Tanggapan Part 2

Berikut ini adalah Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part 2 sesudah sebelumnya aku bagikan Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part 1. Mengingat materi ini dapat dibilang gampang-gampang susah. Oleh alasannya yaitu itu aku kelompokkan soal menjadi dua bab yaitu Soal direct indirect part 1 wacana statement of direct indirect dan yang kini ini yaitu soal Direct Indirect Speech from Question dan Direct Indirect from Imperative.

Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part  Ilmu Baru Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part 2

A. Soal Direct- Indirect Speech from Question

Question Sentence atau kalimat tanya dalam bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu Question Sentence dengan balasan YES/NO dan Question Sentence dengan memakai Question Words (kata tanya). Jika kalimat pertanyaan dalam Direct Speech dengan balasan YES/NO, maka kata sambung (Conjunction) yang dipakai adalah IF/WHETHER (Apakah). Jika kalimat pertanyaan dalam Direct Speech memakai Question Words, maka kata sambung (Conjunction) yang dipakai yaitu Question Words itu sendiri.

I. Move to Indirect Speech ! (Yes-No Question)

1. Jeffry asks me," Are you really happy and glad right now?"
Answer : ...........................................................

2. He asks them," Will I be there next Monday?"
Answer : ...........................................................

3. Andy asks her," Do you hope to be my close friend?"
Answer : ...........................................................

4. Danu asks her," Did you go to my brother's house with my sister?"
Answer : ...........................................................

5. She asks," Will you give him your sweet chocolate?"
Answer : ...........................................................

6. He asks her," Are you thirsty now?'
Answer : ...........................................................

7. You have asked me," Have we been here?"
Answer : ...........................................................

8. Tom asks Jerry," Were these ours?"
Answer : ...........................................................

9. Joni has asked Jihan," Would you take my magazine there?"
Answer : ...........................................................

10. A policeman asks us," Did you see a man passing this way?"
Answer : ...........................................................

11. Aisah asked," Would you leave me alone?"
Answer : ...........................................................

12. Jeremy asked her," Have you arrived at Cichago?"
Answer : ...........................................................

13. He asked his mother," Am I going to buy a new computer?"
Answer : ...........................................................

14. Rania asked them," Is your friend my friend also?"
Answer : ...........................................................

15. He asked me," Could you answer my teacher's question about English grammar?"
Answer : ...........................................................

16. She asked," Do you always save your money in the bank?'
Answer : ...........................................................

17. Mother asked me," Are you selling your cycle here now?"
Answer : ...........................................................

18. Julia asked them," Would you bring my big bag yerterday?"
Answer : ...........................................................

19. She asked him," Don't you know my name?"
Answer : ...........................................................

20. Aunt asked uncle," Must we bring this suitcase?"
Answer : ...........................................................

21. Mother asked father," Had you come on time yesterday?"
Answer : ...........................................................

22. I asked my sister," Have you found my purse?"
Answer : ...........................................................

23. She asked them," Is it for us?"
Answer : ...........................................................

24. Budi asked me," Are you going to Surabaya today?
Answer : ...........................................................

25. He asked her," Will she recognize my brother tomorrow?"
Answer : ...........................................................

26. He asked me," Might you know me last Sunday?'
Answer : ...........................................................

27. Doni asked her," Could they solve my homework yesterday?
Answer : ...........................................................

28. Riana asked Fauzan," Do you think that I have brought your book?"
Answer : ...........................................................

29. The cute girl asked Romi," Will your friends lend me money?'
Answer : ...........................................................

30. I asked him," Will you remind her if she comes here?"
Answer : ...........................................................

II. Move to Indirect Speech ! (Question Words)

1. Afi Nihaya asks them," When will you understand me?"
Answer : ...........................................................

2. She asks them," Why do you always judge me?"
Answer : ...........................................................

3. Romeo asks Juliet," Why must I sing a song for you?"
Answer : ...........................................................

4. She asks to me," Who is reading a novel in my garden?"
Answer : ...........................................................

5. Fadil asks Ben," How many pictures do you save in your galerry?"
Answer : ...........................................................

6. Tiara asked," Why do you love me?"
Answer : ...........................................................

7. They asked," Which one was your new dictionary?"
Answer : ...........................................................

8. Nancy asked her brother angrily," Where have you hidden my letter?"
Answer : ...........................................................

9. I asked Teddy," How many people arrived here last Monday?"
Answer : ...........................................................

10. He asked her," When you give back my wallet?"
Answer : ...........................................................

11. She asked him," When will you give me money?"
Answer : ...........................................................

12. Ilham asked," Where did you sell my bike two days ago?"
Answer : ...........................................................

13. The prince asked," Where is my soulmate now?"
Answer : ...........................................................

14. The hadsome man asked me," When can I marry you?"
Answer : ...........................................................

15. She asked him," Which scedule do I have to remember?"
Answer : ...........................................................

16. He asked," What is your best experience in your life?"
Answer : ...........................................................

17. He asked me," Where did we live last year?"
Answer : ...........................................................

18. She asked him," What were you looking for here?"
Answer : ...........................................................

19. She asked him," Where must you meet me?"
Answer : ...........................................................

20. She asked him," What are you doing in my room?"
Answer : ...........................................................

B. Soal Direct Indirect Speech from Imperative

Imperative of Direct Indirect yaitu kalimat dalam Direct Speech yang berupa kalimat perintah (Command) atau kalimat permohonan (Request). Kata sambung (Conjunction) yang dipakai yaitu TO (untuk kalimat perintah possitive) dan NOT TO (untuk kalimat perintah negative). Pronoun dan adverb aturannya sama dengan aturan-aturan perubahan dalam Direct Indirect Speech from Statement. Sedangkan Tenses Imperative of Direct Indirect tidak mengalami perubahan.

III. Move to Indirect Speech ! (from Imperative)

1. Jowiya says," Be quiet!"
Answer : ...........................................................

2. Leni says to Rafi," Don't touch me now!"
Answer : ...........................................................

3. Dodi says to Nina,” Don’t go without me!”
Answer : ...........................................................

4. Nicko tells Rafa,” Do what you want!”
Answer : ...........................................................

5. Alfina says to her brother,” Don’t be lazy to study!”
Answer : ...........................................................

6. Amanda said to me," Come to my house tonight!"
Answer : ...........................................................

7. Diana asked me," Don't forget to bring my book tomorrow!'
Answer : ...........................................................

8. Father said," Be good student and reach your dream!"
Answer : ...........................................................

9. Mother says," Don't help her again!"
Answer : ...........................................................

10. He asked," Give me applause!"
Answer : ...........................................................

11. My teacher asked," Be ready to reach your future!"
Answer : ...........................................................

12. Yoga said to her," Don't be angry with my statement!"
Answer : ...........................................................

13. My mentor said," Be confident because you can!"
Answer : ...........................................................

14. The director says," Call the managers for a meeting now!"
Answer : ...........................................................

15. He said to everyone," Give me  a new car!"
Answer : ...........................................................

16. My aunt said," Let's visit my place!"
Answer : ...........................................................

17. He asked," Don't disturb this girl again!"
Answer : ...........................................................

18. She asked them," Help your friends today!"
Answer : ...........................................................

19. He asked her," Let me sit beside you!"
Answer : ...........................................................

20. She said," Think smart before you do it!"
Answer : ...........................................................

Download Soal Direct Indirect Speech Part 2

I. Kunci Jawaban Soal Direct Indirect Speech (Yes-No Question)

1. Jeffry asks me if I am really happy and glad right now.
2. He asks them if he will be there next Monday.
3. Andy asks her if she hopes to be his close friend.
4. Danu asks her if she goes to his brother's house with his sister?"
5. She asks if I will give him my sweet chocolate.
6. He asks her if she is thirsty now.
7. You have asked me if we have been here.
8. Tom asks Jerry if these were theirs.
9. Joni has asked Jihan if she would take his magazine there.
10. A policeman asks us if we see a man passing this way.
11. Aisah asked if I would have left her alone.
12. Jeremy asked her if she had arrived at Cichago.
13. He asked his mother if he was going to buy a new computer.
14. Rania asked them if their friend was her friend also.
15. He asked me if I could have answered his teacher's question about English grammar.
16. She asked if I always saved my money in the bank.
17. Mother asked me if I was selling my cycle there then.
18. Julia asked them if they would have brought her big bag the day before.
19. She asked him if he didn't know her name.
20. Aunt asked uncle if they had to bring that suitcase.
21. Mother asked father if he had come on time the day before.
22. I asked my sister if she had found my purse.
23. She asked them if it was for them.
24. Budi asked me if I was going to Surabaya the day.
25. He asked her if she would recognize his brother the next day.
26. He asked me if I Might have know him the Sunday before.
27. Doni asked her if they could have solved his homework the day before.
28. Riana asked Fauzan if he thought that she had brought his book.
29. The cute girl asked Romi if his friend would lend her money.
30. I asked him if he would remind her if she came there.

II. Kunci Jawaban Soal Direct Indirect Speech (Question Words)

1. Afi Nihaya asks them when they will understand her.
2. She asks them why they always judge her.
3. Romeo asks Juliet why he must sing a song for her.
4. She asks to me who is reading a novel in her garden.
5. Fadil asks Ben how many pictures he saves in his galerry.
6. Tiara asked why I loved her.
7. They asked which one had been my new dictionary.
8. Nancy asked her brother angrily where he had hidden her letter.
9. I asked Teddy how many people had arrived there the Monday before.
10. He asked her when she gave back his wallet.
11. She asked him when he would give her money.
12. Ilham asked where I had sold his bike two days before.
13. The prince asked where his soulmate was then.
14. The hadsome man asked me when he could marry me.
15. She asked him which scedule he had to remember.
16. He asked what my best experience was in my life.
17. He asked me where we had lived the year before.
18. She asked him what he had been looking for there.
19. She asked him where he had to meet her.
20. She asked him what he was doing in her room.

III. Kunci Jawaban Soal Direct Indirect Speech (from Imperative)

1. Jowiya says to be quiet.
2. Leni says to Rafi not to touch her now.
3. Dodi says to Nina not to go without him.
4. Nicko tells Rafa to do what he wants.
5. Alfina says to her brother not to be lazy to study.
6. Amanda said to me to come to her house that day.
7. Diana asked me not to forget to bring my book the next day.
8. Father said to be good student and reached my dream.
9. Mother says no to help her again.
10. He asked to give him applause.
11. My teacher asked to be ready to reach my future.
12. Yoga said to her not to be angry with his statement.
13. My mentor said to be confident because I could.
14. The director says to call the managers for a meeting now.
15. He said to everyone to give him a new car.
16. My aunt suggested visiting her place.
17. He asked not to don't disturb that girl again.
18. She asked them to help their friends that day.
19. He asked her to let him sit beside her.<
20. She said to think smart before I did it.

Itulah Soal Direct Indirect Speech dan Kunci Jawaban Part 2. Semoga bermanfaat. Mohon koreksinya jikalau ada kesalahan. Terima kasih.