Paket Lengkap Perancangan Balance Scorecard Sebagai Instrumen Pengukuran Kinerja Pada Cv. Jadi Jaya Makmur Semarang
Abstract: Balanced Scorecard is a company performance measurement tool that measures the performance of the company as a whole, both financially and non-financial by using four perspectives, financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business perspective, and growth and learning perspective. Balance Scorecard assessment will be done at CV JADI JAYA MAKMUR Semarang.
The first action plan that must be done by CV. So Jaya Makmur is to improve service to consumers and provide the best service to maintain customer loyalty. With the highest gap value of -80% and relatively low performance, then the company really need to improve the best service to customer to maintain loyalty, such as bonus in the form of purchase discount, after sales service or hold gathering for special customers. The highest gap lies in the level of customer complaints, the percentage of purchases, the level of machine efficiency per day, the timeliness of delivery and satisfaction survey and employee motivation. Therefore, our action plan is to improve the quality control of the production of goods, perform better production planning and make the delivery schedule more efficient.
Keywords: Balance Scorecard, Corporate Performance
Penulis: Prihasantyo Siswo Nugroho
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180008

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