Paket Lengkap Analysis Of Logistcs Delivery Performance (A Case Study Of Rental Toolsdelivery In “Xyz” Power Plant Project At The Energy Service Fossil Division)

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the logistcs delivery performance of rental tools delivery for temporary import in XYZ Power Plant Project at the Energy Service Division. This research is a mixture of quanttatve and qualitative research and using both primary and secondary data, which collected from the company data including interview with the logistcs manager and monitoring delivery data of XYZ Power Plant Project in the Logistcs Department Energy Service Division. Afer the data was gathered, AMOS sofware is used to provide Structural Equaton Modeling (SEM) and Path Diagram in order to identfy influental factors to logistcs delivery performance. Furthermore, to measure the KPI in terms of delivery reliability of logistcs delivery performance levels of rental tools in XYZ power plant project in 2013 by the logistcs department in the energy service fossil division. This study uses tme series data from September 2013 - December 2013. Based on the results of research, it can be seen that customs clearance has positve moderate correlaton to the logistcs delivery performance, while number of items factor has a positve weak correlaton to the logistcs delivery performance. This research also found that the KPI in terms of delivery reliability of delivery performance level of rental tools in XYZ power plant project 2013 by the logistcs department in the energy service division is 56.67%” which is Insufcient in logistcs benchmark level. Thus, in purpose of increasing the logistcs delivery performance in the XYZ Power Plant Project, the company should improve the delivery reliability. In additon the company should pay more atenton to customs clearance process, since customs clearance is the most influental factor to the logistcs delivery performance.
Keywords: Logistcs, Delivery Reliability, KPI, Temporary Import, On-Time Delivery 
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151384

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