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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query contoh-kalimat-participle-as-the-adverb-in-the-adverb-phrase. Sort by date Show all posts

Ilmu Gres Rujukan Kalimat Participle As The Adverb In The Adverb Phrase

Participle as the adverb in the adverb phrase

 Participle as the adverb in the adverb phrase Ilmu Baru Contoh Kalimat Participle as The Adverb in The Adverb Phrase

Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat dipakai dalam Adverb (keterangan) dalam bentuk Adverb Phrase. Present Participle dan Past Participle menawarkan makna : cause (alasan), result/effect (hasil), manner (cara), condition (syarat) dan menawarkan time (waktu) ibarat before (sebelum), after (setelah), when (ketika), while (sementara/sambil), since (sejak).

1. Participle yang menawarkan alasannya ialah (cause)

Contoh :
                Adverb Clause
* Because Hasna doesn’t continue her study at a university, she takes a language course.
                Adverb Phrase
   Not continueng her study at university, Hasna takes a language course.
(Karena tidak melanjutkan ke sekolah tinggi tinggi , Hasna mengambil kursus bahasa)
                Adverb Clause
* Since Angga was not accepted to work abroad, he tried to run his own business.
               Adverb Phrase
  Not accepted to work abroad, Angga tried to run his own business.

               Adverb Clause
* As Mr. Bill was elected the chairman of the conference, he didn’t have much time to sleep.
             Adverb Phrase
   Elected the chairman of the conference, Mr. Bill didn’t have much time to sleep.

2. Participle yang menawarkan hasil (effect/result)

  Contoh :
* Dimas rode his motorbike quickly so that he got an accident.
Dimas rode his motorbike quickly , getting an accident.
(Dimas naik motor kencang sehingga kecelakaan)
* A thief tried to escape from the police, shot on leg.
(Pencuri mencoba kabur dari polisi sehingga ditembak di kaki)

3. Participle menawarkan cara (manner)

  Contoh :
* Dropping the tears, Paula tries to fool everyone. (Dengan meneteskan air matanya, Paula mencoba membodohi semua orang)
* Singing from door to door, that oldman earned money for his living.
* The frightened child entered his first day at school, accompanied by his mother on his chair. (Anak yang ketakutan itu masuk hari pertama sekolah dengan ditemani oleh ibunya duduk di bangkunya)

4. Participle menawarkan syarat (condition)

Contoh :
* Spent wisely, your salary will be enough for your life a month. (Jika dibelanjakan dengan bijak, gajimu akan cukup untuk biaya hidupmu satu bulan)
* Having enough savings, she will take a tour around the world. (Jika memiliki tabungan yang cukup, ia akan bertamasya keliling dunia)

5. Participle yang menawarkan waktu (time)

  Contoh :
* Taking of his clothes, Adit jumped to the pool for swimming. (Setelah melepaskan bajunya, Adit melompat ke kolam untuk berenang)
* Reading the instructions, father turned on his new TV.  atau
   Having read the instructions, father turned on his new TV.
* Doing some work, she always prays. (Sebelum melaksanakan pekerjaan, ia selalu berdoa)
* Coming back from working abroad, that youngman often behaves strangely. (Sejak pulang bekerja dari luar negeri, cowok itu sering bertingkah aneh)
* When interviewed for his new job, he was not very confident. atau
   Interviewed for his new job, he was not very confident. (Ketika diwawancarai untuk pekerjaan barunya, ia tidak begitu percaya diri)

Itulah Contoh Kalimat Participle after Adverbs in The Adverb Phrase yang dapat saya bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Oh ya guys, Bentuk-bentuk Participle juga penting loh untuk diketahui.

Trima kasih.

Ilmu Gres Referensi Kalimat Participle After Other Verbs And Expressions

participle after other verbs and expressions Ilmu Baru Contoh Kalimat Participle after Other Verbs and Expressions
Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat ditempatkan sesudah kata kerja tertentu dan juga ungkapan-ungkapan (expression).

1. Participle dapat diletakkan sesudah kata kerja indera.

Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat diletakkan sesudah kata kerja kerja: see, feel, smell, hear, listen to, look at, watch, observe dan notice.

Pola kalimat:
Subject + Verbs of sensation + Object + Present/Past Participle
Present Participle mengandung makna aktive (me/ber) sedangkan Past Participle mengandung makna passive (di/ter).
Contoh :
* I can see the pain living in your eyes.
* Do you feel your heart beating ?
* She didn’t hear her name called. (passive)
* Scientists often observe ants living in a colony.
* Who used to watch the ships loaded and unloaded. (passive)
* Are the students listening to their teacher expalining the lesson seriously ?

Note :
The verbs of sensation juga dapat diikuti oleh Bare Infinitive, kecuali feel dan smell. Bare Infinitive sesudah the verbs of sensation mengacu seluruh acara awal hingga final sedangkan Present Participle mengacu sebagian dari kegiatan.

Perhatikan pola kalimat berikut !
* Jody watched his father change the fire of his motorbike. (Bare Infinitive)
(Jody berada di bersahabat ayahnya dari awal hingga selesai)
* Jody watched his father changing the fire of his motorbike. (Participle)
(Jody berada di bersahabat ayahnya tapi tidak hingga selesai, hanya melihat sekilas)

2. Participle after leave, cacth and find.

Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat diletakkan sesudah kata leave, catch dan find.
Pola kalimat :
Subject + leave, catch, find + Object + Present/Past Participle
Contoh :
*Police Caught some teenagers partying drugs and heavy drinks near the river bank.
*Olivia is a lazy girl. She often leaves her duty unfinished.
(Three fishermen found a dead body floating on the river.
*Some villagers have found a baby abandoned in the trash place.

Kata catch dan find juga dapat mengatakan ketidaksenangan (dipleasure).
Contoh :
* Raysa caught her fiance making affair with another woman.
* She found her roomate reading her diary book.

3. Participle after sit, stand and lie.

Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat diletakkan sesudah kata : sit, stand dan lie.
Pola kalimat :
Subject + sit, stand, lie + The expression of place + Present/Past Participle
Contoh :
* She is sitting on the easy chair reading a newspaper.
* Nayla lay on a couch resting.
* A naughty student has to stand at the corner of the class punished for coming late.
* A criminal sat on the chair interrogated seriously.

4. Participle after spend and waste

Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat diletakkan  sesudah kata : spend dan waste.
Pola kalimat :
Subject + spend, waste + The expression of the time/money + Present Participle
Contoh :
* How long has Ayu spent her time helping people with cancer ?
* Bagas wastes his money clubbing every night.
* Fadio wants to spend time loving his darling forever.

5. Participle after have and get

Present Participle dan Past Participle dapat diletakkan sesudah kata : have dan get. Pada struktur kalimat ini Have dan Get mempunyai makna meminta atau menyuruh.
Pola kalimat :
Subject + have, get + Object + Present/Past Participle
Contoh :
* She has her dirty plates washed. (Dia menyuruh piring kotornya dicuci)
* Umam got his articles edited before being printed (Umam meminta artile-artikelnya diedit sebelum dicetak)
* Will you have these paintings exhibited next week ? (Akankah kau meminta lukisan-lukisan ini dipamerkan ahad depan ? )
* Fahri hasn’t got his new house insured. (Fahri tidak meminta rumah barunya diasuransikan)
* Will you have your shoes mended ? (Akankah kau menyuruh sepatumu ditambal ? )

6. Participle after be busy

Pola kalimat :
Subject + be/linking verb + busy + Present Participle
Contoh :
* Tyan and Dewi seem busy preparing their wedding party.
* Father is busy earning money everyday.
* Are you always busy studying at the night before the test ?
* Many university graduates are busy finding a good job.
* They look busy working, don’t they ?

7. Participle after have a hard/ difficult time

Pola kalimat :
Subject + have a hard/ difficult time + Present Participle
Contoh :
* Rosa had a hard time deciding where to study after her high school.
* He is very busy. He has a difficult time meeting his wife and children.

Itulah Contoh kalimat Participle after Other Verbs and Expressions. Semoga bermanfaat.
Read also Participle as The Adverb in The Adverb Phrase