Showing posts with label Jp Manajemen dd 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jp Manajemen dd 2010. Show all posts

Paket Lengkap Imbas Persepsi Kualitas, Persepsi Kesesuaian, Persepsi Kesulitan Pada Perilaku Konsumen Terhadap Merk Extention

ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to examine the influence of the perceived quality, perceived fits, and perceived difficulty to attitude toward merk extension. Using purposive sampling method, 150 readers of a local newspaper and listeners of a news radio at Surakarta were collected as respondents. Four hypotheses were tested using moderated regression analysis. The results indicated that attitude toward merk extension were affected by perceived fit (dimensions of transfer), perceived difficulty, interaction between perceived qualityperceived fit (dimension of substitute) and interaction between perceived quality-perceived fit (dimension of complement). Perceived quality has not significant effect to attitude toward merk extension
Key Words: Persepsi Kualitas, Persepsi Kesesuaian, Persepsi Kesulitan, Sikap, Brand Extensions
Penulis: Elida Ningtyas Herlina, Siti Khoiriyah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100286

Paket Lengkap Motif Go Public, Herding, Ukuran Perusahaan, Dan Underpricing Pada Pasar Modal Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Underpricing become a phenomenon which often occurs by companies during Initial Public Offering in every country in the world, which offering price lower than closing price on the first day trading on the stock exchange. According to Rock (1982), asymmetry information of an IPO company leads to underpricing phenomena, where the information according to the company are not evenly distributed among investors. This asymmetry information emerging distribution of uncertainty among investors that leads to underpricing. The objective of this research is to test the influence of motive of company going public, herding in stock market, and size of the company to the degree of underpricing using sample of 257 companies listed during year 1990 to June 2009 on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Sample is taken by using purposive sampling with criteria as underpriced stocks and the stocks are not delisting overall from stock exchange. Data are analyzed using multiple regressions and path analysis to test the relation between motive of company going public, herding, and size of the company to the degree of underpricing. Pursuant to the analysis, motive of company going public and herding have positively influence on the degree of underpricing but statistically not significant. Size of the company which measure using total asset have negatively influence on the degree of underpricing and statistically significant on the first day trading on the stock exchange.
Key Words: motive for going public, herding, total asset, underpricing
Penulis: Fitri Ismiyanti, Rohmad Fuad Armansyah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100287

Paket Lengkap Efek Tingkat Suku Bunga Sertfikat Bank Indonesia Terhadap Perubahan Nilai Tukar (Kurs) Rupiah Atas Dolar Amerika: Granger Causalitas Test

ABSTRACT: The Bank of Indonesia Certificate is one of monetary instruments that used by government to influence IDR Exchange Rate Movement Over USD. The purpose this research is to obtain the describe more detailed about influence Certificate Bank of Indonesia toward an IDR Exchange Rate Movement Over USD which try to give an information in a common manner to be concerned outsider espacially relate to government policy. This research using the secondary data with limit that analysis during 20 months that are from November 2005 to June 2007. In compile this thesis, the author carry out the causality relationship analysis (causality) with Granger Causality Test (GCT) and relationship closeness analysis which using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regresion analysis. The Granger Causality Test (GCT) analysis result explains that from analysis result obtained as model considered valid is the rate interest of SBI has influence toward an IDR Exchange Rate Movement over USD. This was proved on GCT test too much significant for Y = f (x) and not on contary X = f (y). The analysis result of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) was obtained Ftest (2,18) is 266,081 > Ftable 6,01. This means as variable an independent influence variable dependent. Beside that was obtained ttest 16,312 > ttable 2,21009 that mean the rate interest level of SBI has the influence signicant toward an IDR Exchange Rate Movement Over USD. Because the Certificate of Bank of Indonesia has negative influence towards IDR Exchange Rate Movement Over USD, the author suggests the Indonesia Government to defend and to optimalyze the existing instrument, so that the monetary condition is more controlled and the stability can be maintained.
Key Words: Rate interest level of SBI, IDR Exchange Rate Movement Over USD, Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Granger Causality Test (GCT)
Penulis: Ferdinandus Stenly
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100288

Paket Lengkap Analisis Anteseden Dari Sensitifitas Harga Produk Sepatu Di Jakarta

ABSTRACT: This research is consist of the concepts of how do the consumer involvement, consumer innovativeness, merk parity and merk loyalty could affecting the price sensitivity. Questionaires were used as the research instruments to the 150 of people who wearing shoes with merk “ABC” in Jakarta with using purposive sampling method and cross sectional data. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis system was applied with AMOS software to hypothesized the empirical data. The result shows that there is a significant effect of the consumer involvement to the consumer innovativeness positively that can affecting to the price sensitivity negatively. Brand parity hypothesized proven that it has affected price sensitivity positively and so merk loyalty affecting the price sensitivity negatively. For further research, it’s recommended to extend more objects of study than shoes and add more other variables which are not include in this research.
Keywords: Involvement, Consumer innovativeness, Brand parity, Brand loyalty, Price sensitivity, Shoes
Penulis: Willy Arafah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100289

Paket Lengkap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Produk Susu Bayi Memakai Service Quality Dan Path Analysis

ABSTRACT: To enlarge market share a company has to produce quality product, accordance with what the consumers want. At the large step company has to be able to see and give more attention to the customer (consumer) satisfaction factors. In the next steps company can identify their customer loyalty to their products, that are factors or variables influence consumers loyalty to select to buy their products. There are many factors that can identify whether the consumer is loyal or not, such as by knowing the characteristics of a loyal consumer : a) buy regularly, b) buy outside the product line, c) refuse other products and show resistance from competitors power of attraction (not easily influenced by competitors power of attraction for the same products), d) recommend from mouth to mouth. Included in this research is PT. X that produce baby milk, needs approaches to identify satisfaction and finally customers loyalty. The results of this research show that consumers percieve service quality they received as not yet fulfill their expectations. Improvement priority should be started from Responsiveness, Emphaty, Assurance, Tangible and Reliability dimensions. All consumer satisfaction dimensions, both directly or simultaneously influence to consumers loyalty. Consumer satisfaction for Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Emphaty dimensions together influence to consumer loyalty of 54.66%. Whereas other variables influences outside the service quality dimension to consumer loyalty of 45.34%
Keyword: Market, Product Quality, Satisfaction, Loyalty and Service Quality
Penulis: Kukuh Winarso
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100290

Paket Lengkap Pengujian Fenomena Underpricing Dengan Studi Eksperimen

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of conflict of interest to the level of IPO price determined by managers. This experiment divides treatment group (the group of participants who have economic benefit from their decision making), and control group (groups with no economic benefit from their decision making). In experiment scenario for treatment group, the managements of IPO companies tend to decrease the price of IPO in order to get financial benefit. Using experimental design, this research shows that participants in treatment group determine lower IPO price than control group. This evidence confirms IPO phenomenon around the world. This research also makes supplementary analysis. The results show that alternative statistical test using GPA and gender of participants as control variable are not statistically significant. It means that the level of IPO price isn’t determined by GPA and Gender, but conflict of interest.
Key words: IPO, Conflict of Interest, Underpricing
Penulis: Dedhy Sulistiawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100291

Paket Lengkap Tingkat Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Dan Tarif Pajak: Uji Dampak Karakteristik Pendapatan

ABSTRACT: The research was intended to investigate the relationship between tax tariff and the compliance of tax payer; and how this relationship was affected by type of income (endowed income vs earned income). The degree of the tax payer compliance was measured based on reported income. The treatment of the experiment was conducted in accordance with variables of reported income (endowed v.s. earned income) and variables of tax tariff (15% vs 30%). The testing results on the impact of endowed income towards the degree of tax payer compliance indicated that there was no distinct difference on the degree of tax payer compliance towards the application of lower tax tariff of 15% as well as higher tax tariff of 30%. This premise possibly resulted from the nature of the participants as a risk averse receiving endowed income, providing that how hard they worked, they received constant amount of incomes. The testing toward participants receiving earned income revealed that they responded positively toward the increase of tax tariff by encouraging the degree of compliance to report their tax. This issue is in line with economics theory stating that tax-evasion-gamble brings higher risks whenever the tax tariff rises. Thus, the risk faced by the tax payer will increase in the line with the incline of audit and penalty probability.
Keywords: tax payer compliance, tax tariff, earned income, endowed income
Penulis: Puput Tri Komalasari, Moh. Nasih
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100292

Paket Lengkap Dampak Psikologi Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kembali Smartphone Blackberry

ABSTRACT: Repurchase decision is influenced by several factors, among others are, marketing stimuli (marketing mix) environmental stimuli, consumer characteristics, and consumer psychology. Previously, marketers were more interested in studying consumer response to marketing mix. This study investigated the influence of consumer psychology on repurchase decision. The independent variables of the research are motivation, perception, learning, and attitude. The dependent variable is the repurchase decision of the BlackBerry. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 200 BlackBerry smartphone users. Data analysis was performed using multiple regression. The results showed that there is only one variable (attitude) that has a significant influence on repurchase decision. Thus, marketers with limited budgets need to be more selective in allocating their funds, which is primarily should be intended to build and develop positive attitudes towards BlackBerry.
Keywords: Consumer Psychology, Motivation, Perception, Learning, Attitude, and Repurchase decision
Penulis: Bunga Geofanny Fredereca, Chairy Chairy
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100293

Paket Lengkap Analisis Keterkaitan Profil Dan Kinerja Peritel Di Pasar Tradisional

ABSTRACT: The growing retail industry in Indonesia has two consequences; increase regional income which debatable issue, on the other side potentially decrease the performance of retailers (read: pedagang) in traditional wet market. This study not to conclude why the previous condition emerge, but explore why the performance of retailers in traditional wet market decreased. Using 315 respondents and intercept technique, the study found that there are two problems faced by retailers in traditional wet market today. The first one is their entrepreneurial orientation seems too low, the secondly their market orientation also couldn’t boosting their performance. The findings also shown retailers with higher entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation had a higher performance.
Keywords: revitalization of traditional market, entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation
Penulis: Adi Zakaria Afiff, Rizal Edy Halim
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100294

Paket Lengkap Internasionalisasi Perjuangan Mikro, Kecil, Dan Menengah (Umkm) Ditinjau Dari Tipe Kepemilikan: Studi Empiris Di Jawa Timur

ABSTRACT: In the internationalization process, scales do not become an obstacle among small medium SMEs. However, the capacity to get market access is the most important consideration based the type of SMEs ownership. This reach draws the impact of ownership types to invoice internationalization. The model analysis used in this research are: (1) model 1 used to determine whether or not SMEs to export, and (2) model 2 used to determine the intensity of SMEs in exports that control by innovation (R&D expenditure), employment (SIZE) and sector choices. As a result, there is no significant impact of ownership type to the internationalization strategy. The decision mostly influenced by control variable which is sector choices, respectively.
Keywords: ownership types, propensity to export, export intensity, innovation (R & D), labor (SIZE), sector
Penulis: Herlina Yoka Roida, N. Agus Sunarjanto, N. Agus Sunarjanto, William Jayaprana, William Jayaprana
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100295

Paket Lengkap Efek Adab Kerja Islam Dan Adab Bisnis Terhadap Janji Organisasi Dengan Janji Profesi Sebagai Variabel Intervening

ABSTRACT: This research aims at examining the effect of variable of Islamic work ethics and business ethics on the organizational and professional commitment, in which variable of professional commitment functions as intervening variable. The primary data of this research are collected through collecting opinion or perception of external auditors, who fills in and submit quetionnaire to the researcher. The 30 copies of questionnaire distributed to the public accountant in Riau with sensu. Questionnaire are analyzed by using regression technique with help of SPSS V 16 aktivitas and multiple regression analysis. The result of this research shows that the more understand the external auditor the prevailed custom or rule of work, either in the profession ethics or Islamic work ethics and bussiness ethics the better he does his duty and function as external auditor. And furthermore, it has effect on his commitment of profession as a external auditor and commitment of organization.
Keywords: Islamic work ethics, business ethics, organizational commitment, professional commitment, external auditor, multiple regression
Penulis: Leny Novianti, Hendra Gunawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100296

Paket Lengkap Imbas Prosedur Corporate Governance Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Tubuh Usaha

ABSTRACT: Nowdays, most researches in corporate governance field are conducted by researchers based on rising of many firms to become public corporation. According to this situation, they have to separate their functions on ownership and control of the firm. As result, it will arise agency conflict between owners and managers. The corporation enable solve the persoalan by apply the corporate governance mechanism optimally. This research is a replication research is conducted by Sanda et al (2005). It’s explained the specific study about the impact of corporate governance mechanism include managerial ownership, board size, outside directors, ownership concentration, and debt toward financial performance that measured by ROA, ROE, PER, and TOBINS’Q. The samples of this research are all corporations which listed at Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) by all sectors that delivered financial statement on time by regulation. The period of time in this research determined on 2005-2007. The model is extended by quadratic of managerial ownership, quadratic of board size, quadratic of ownership concentration, CEO foreign and firm size as control variables, and sectoral dummy. The result of this research explained that corporate governance mechanism simultaneously influence to ROA and ROE significantly. On partially, ROA is influenced by CEO foreign, debt, and firm size significantly. And ROE is inluenced by CEO foreign, firm size, and sector of basic industry significantly.
Keywords: corporate governance, financial performance
Penulis: Filia Puspitasari, Endang Ernawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100297

Paket Lengkap Queue Analysis System For Improving Efficiency Of Service

ABSTRACT: This research aim to know how much most effective car queue done by PT. KAM, in Jakarta, a company moving to gives car repair service (car workshop) which during the time provide 6 kinds of service facility (M), whether with facility and employer addition will result maximal advantage. method of Research used is descriptive method with research Type of Case Study, while its Variable is probability no unit / people in system (Po), the total customer staying in queue system (Ls), mean of customer time await in queue system (Ws), total mean of customer stay in queue (Lq), and mean time of customer await in queue (Wq). Result of this research is adding one kind of server without officer of company may get advantage equal to Rp. 10.136.000 compared to add one server and one officer. Advantage obtained is equal to Rp. 8.936.000.
Keywords: Queue, Efficiency, Service, Consumer, Competition disguised company names
Penulis: Josep Indra, Haryadi Sarjono
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100298

Paket Lengkap Prediksi Kebijakan Utang, Profitabilitas, Likuiditas, Ukuran, Dan Status Perusahaan Terhadap Kemungkinann Penentuan Peringkat Obligasi: Studi Empirik Pada Perusahaan Yang Menerbitkan Obligasi Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to know the prediction of debt policy, profitability, liquidity, size, and firm’s status on bond rating, and to find the accuracy rate for classifying companies that have investment grade of bond rating and non investment grade of bond rating based on these given factors. We employ logistic regression model as data analysis method. Our sample is taken from
Indonesian Bonds Market Directory (IBMD) in the year of 2008 which collected by purposive sampling method. There are 105 listed bond’s issuers until 2008. In our observation, there are 3 issuers that have no bond rating so that we use only 102 issuers as the sample. The results show that profitability is the only explanatory variable which has significant impact on bond rating with positive sign and the accuracy rate of debt policy, profitability, liquidity, size, and firm’s status to classify bond issuer category are as high as 85.3%.
Keywords: bond rating, profitability, logistic regression model, classification matrix
Penulis: Bram Hadianto, M. Sienly Veronica Wijaya
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100299

Paket Lengkap Upaya Membangun Strategic Marketing Outcomes Berbasis Pada Relationship Marketing Dan Power

ABSTRACT: This study is developed by proposing a grand theoretical model and empirical models: The impact of Coercive Power in Relationship Marketing and Strategic Marketing Outcomes based on Relationship Marketing Theory and Power-Dependence Theory. Spesifically, to investigates the issue of power in business-to-business relationships and the impacts of coercive power to the key variables in the Commitment-Trust Theory (Trust, Relationship Commitment, Cooperation); to integrate Relationship Outcomes variables (loyalty, strong relationship, positive word of mouth) as a value of lifetime relationships, and to builds the strategic marketing outcomes (cooperation synergy, competitive positional advantages, marketing performance). This study was conducted by proposing three empirical models and was tested successfully on Indonesia tourism industry. There are 190 respondents as managers of tourism organization. The data was tested using several statistical tools such as SPSS and Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM). The finding of this research are as follows :(1) Coercive Power has no significant association between trust, and positive-significant between relationship commitment and cooperation; 2) This study shows that the coercive power does not destroye a relationship but has a capability to control the interaction process; (3) This suggests that there are other variables of driving relationships besides the trust-commitment-based relationships suggested by Morgan dan Hunt (1994). There are both trust-based and power-based relationships.
However, coercive power it self is not found to be driver of relationship outcomes. The Suggested coercive power and trust are the relationship bases of relationship marketing; (4) Value of Lifetime Relationships (Loyalty, Strong Relationship, Positive “WoM”) as a relationship outcomes, and important variables cause to grow up cooperation synergy. This is one spesific research finding.; (5) and the last, The Cooperation Synergy as an important variable will in crease the competitive positional advantages and marketing performance. The result of the study is important to develop and maintain relationship with stakeholders (partners, competitors, complementary organization) in tourism industry which based on market-based views and resources-based views. This integrated approach can achieve greater outcomes in relationship marketing of business-to-business relationship activities. In tourism policy, it is important to formulate “The Grand Tourism Strategy Based on Local Resources and Cultures”.
Penulis: Alimuddin Rizal Riva’i
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100300

Paket Lengkap Analisis Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transaksional Dan Transformasional Terhadap Pembelajaran Organisasi Pada Pt Bangkit Satya Perihal Surabaya

ABSTRACT: This study links the important field of management research empirically, namely the various scope theory of leadership and organizational learning process. Specifically, this study discusses three things: 1) the impact of transactional leadership, and 2) transformational leadership on organizational learning processes, and 3) whether the influence of transformational leadership is stronger than transactional leadership. The results show that transactional leadership is more powerful in explaining variation and change of employee behavior toward organizations learning, compared with transformational leadership. Ability of transactional leadership style explain variations of organizational learning and change by 10.2%, whereas the ability of transformational leadership style explain variations of organizational learning and change of 5.9%. These findings depict an exchange-based approach to leadership and employee needs to do the job, it will be better to create the employee to make the learning process both in the process of information acquisition, information distribution, information interpretation, and creating changes in behavior and knowledge of employees.
Keywords: Transactional leadership, transformational leadership, organizational learning process
Penulis: Irra Chrisyanti Dewi, Nuri Herachwati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100301

Paket Lengkap Imbas Iklan Heritage Terhadap Merk Awarenes, Merk Trust, Dan Intensi Pembelian

ABSTRACT: This study is aimed to determine how the influence of heritage advertising, merk awareness and merk trust in creating the intention to buy. This study took 130 respondents and using purposive sampling method. Data analysis techniques used confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling with software LISREL 8.80. The results showed that heritage ads significantly influence merk awareness but not for merk trust and intention to buy. On the other hand, merk awareness significantly influences merk trust as well as intention to buy. Furthermore, merk trust significantly influences intention to buy. Thus, a service provider needs to develop heritage advertising as its function to develop merk awareness which finally create intention to buy. A service provider has to maintain and develop merk awareness because it will create merk trust and intention to buy.
Keywords: heritage ads, merk awareness, merk trust, intention to buy
Penulis: Happy Sandra, Jony Oktavian Haryanto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100302

Paket Lengkap Persepsi Etis Pelaku Akuntansi Terhadap Praktik Administrasi Keuntungan Menurut Profesi Akuntansi Dan Jender

ABSTRACT: Managerial discretions in accounting and presures from stakeholders encourage earnings management. Such a practice creates ethical problems in business. The purpose of this study is to observe ethical perceptions in earnings management from acountants, both academics and profesional accountants, and ethical perceptions based on gender. Earnings management is classified into manipulation in accounting activity and in operational decision making. This study covers 156 subjects consists of 65 professional accountants from three public accountant firms and five companies and 91 academics from two universities in Central Java. Seven questions/cases adopted from Merchant (1989) and Fischer dan Rosenzweig (1995) were introduced to subjects and subjects were asked to assess whether it was ethical or not on a scale of 5 where 1 indicates the most ethical and 5 indicates the most unethical. The findings show that academics see manipulation in operational decision making as less ethical compared to practitioners while practitioners see manipulation in accounting as less ethical. Furthermore, practitioners see manipulation in operational decision as more ethical than manipulation in accounting while for academics there is no significant differences. Finally, there is not any significant difference on the ethical perception between female and male
Keywords: ethical perception, earnings management, accounting manipulation, operational decision manipulation, gender
Penulis: Komala Inggarwati, Arnold Kaudin
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100303

Paket Lengkap Dampak Kredit Perbankan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Industri Manufaktur Dalam Menunjang Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This research works through about influence between banking credit insuranceansies with industrial growth of manufacture. Besides also studies about vesting influence of credit insuranceansi to economic growth in Indonesia. Based on research done, obtained result that level of credit insuranceansi given to manufacture industry will affect at improvement of output at company. So equally, the many vestings of credit insuranceansi compares linear with industrial improvement of manufacture. At research hereinafter, happened the relation of concurrent between industrial growths of manufacture with chartered investment counsel growth. Where when industrial growth of manufacture increased hence will cause improvement at chartered investment counsel growth. Manufacture industry is one of economic sector, which if manufacture industry increased hence its the contribution is ever greater to chartered investment counsel growth. So growth of chartered investment counsel can increase
KEYWORDS: industrial growth of manufacture, economic of Indonesia
Penulis: Zulfita Fithriyah, Nazaruddin Malik
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100304

Paket Lengkap Analisis Pertumbuhan Sektor Perbankan Di Indonesia Tahun 2001-2008

ABSTRACT: Intention of this research is to know level of growth of banking credit in Indonesia and know macro variable influence that is resident amounts, earnings of perkapita and amount of money supplies to growth of banking credit. Analyzer applied to know resident growth influence, income percapita, amount of money supplies to growth of credit is doubled linear regression test with statistical test two directions that is T test and F test and test ekonometrika that is classic assumption test (multikolinierity test, heteroskedastisity test, autocorrelation test). Result of research at doubled linear regression shows growth of number of residents to growth of credit influential significant. while earnings growth of percapita doesn't have an effect on significant to growth of credit and growth of amount of money supplies influential significant to growth of credit. Based on conclusion to macro variable of chartered investment counsel can be cought up with growth of credit as according to ability of Negara to be realized secure and prosperous public.
KEYWORDS: Growth of Banking Credit, Macro Variable, Indonesia
Penulis: Asmirawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100305