Paket Lengkap Analisis Dampak Rasio Keuangan Yang Mempengaruhi Kebijakan Deviden

Abstract: The aim of this research is to obtain a partial and empirical evidence from a simultaneous monetary policies which affect the share dividends on company non financial institutions are listed at the Indonesian stock exchange (BEI).The samples of this research arenon financial company in 2009-2012, with purposive sampling method.
Hypotheses test to partial results showed that price to book value of no effect and not significant to the dividend payout ratio, return on investment is no effect and no significant impact on the divident payout ratio, net profit margin is not effect and not significant to the dividend payout ratio, current ratio is not effect and not significant to,dividend payout ratio debt to equity ratio is not affec insignificant to the dividend payout ratio, total assets and turnover of not effect and not significant to the dividend payout ratio, earning pershare is not effect and not significant to the dividend payout ratio.
Keywords: the dividend payout ratio, PBV, ROI, NPM, CR, DER, TATO, EPS
Penulis: Zulkifli C Husen, Dhian Andanarini Minar Savitri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180003

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