Paket Lengkap Imbas Training Sumber Daya Insani Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bmt-Ugt Sidogiri Di Surabaya Dan Sidoarjo
Abstract: The purposes of employees pembinaan are to improve, develop, and enhance their skills. In an organization, the scoring of employees’ performance has very essential role in making decision effectively related to the whole process of human resource management. This research purposes to reveal how far the pembinaan influences the performance of employees of BMT Sidogiri in Surabaya and Sidoarjo
This research used quantitative approach with saturated sampling method (a technique of sampling if the entire member of population is used). Consequently it is called census research. It investigates 34 employees who work as account officer. Data collected with questionnaires and analyzed with multiple linier regression.
The result of this research shows the human resource pembinaan variable simultaneously and reliably can influence the employees’ performance based on the result of F test is 65,390 with significance level is 0,000. The contribution of human resource pembinaan is 92.1% with the rest is the other variables. Partially, all human resource variable influences to the employees’ performance according to t test result (the each level of pembinaan instructor variable, pembinaan participants variable, pembinaan method, pembinaan material, and pembinaan facility is less than 0,05). Training facility is the dominant variable regards to the employees’ performance with 0,374 beta level.
Keywords: Human Resource Training, Training Instructor, Training Participants, Training Material, Training Method, Training Facility
Penulis: Azizah Nur Rahmayani, Ari Prasetya
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd141208
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