Ilmu Gres Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Plus Kunci Jawaban
Berikut ini yaitu pola latihan soal Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) 1 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik-adik yang duduk di dingklik Sekolah Dasar kelas 4 yang sudah dilengkapi kunci jawaban.I. Read the text then answer question !
Hello, my name is Boby. This is my living room. There are twelve things in this room. There is a television. There is a radio. There is a clock. There is a sofa. There is a lamp.
Look ! That is a picture. That is a dustbin and that is a that is a telephone. This is a table and this is a carpet. Where are an ashtray and a flower vase? The ashtray and flower vase are on the table.
1. Whose living room is it ?
Answer : .....
2. How many things are there in the living room ?
Answer : .....
3. Is there a calendar in the living room ?
Answer : .....
4. Is there a sofa in the living room ?
Answer : .....
5. Where is an ashtray ?
Answer : .....
II. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !
1. Justin :"Good night Selena"!
Selena : "Good .... ".
a. afternoon
b. evening
c. morning
d. night
2. Martin : "Hello Rosi, How are you "?
Rosi : " Hello .... fine".
a. you are
b. we are
c. I am
d. He is
3. Our parents are ....
a. father and mother
b. brother and sister
c. grandfather and grandmother
d. uncle and aunt
4. Generally the leather of a family is ....
a. teacher
b. head master
c, president
d. father
5. We are born by ....
a. father
b. mother
c. sister
d. daughter
6. Nino is my sister'son. Nino is my ....
a. cousin
b. daughter
c. nephew
d. niece
7. Look at the picture !
Mr. Rozak is Viona's ....
a. father
b. mother
c. brother
d. daughter
8. Alfian is Mrs. Farah's ....
a. father
b. mother
c. daughter
d. son
9. Mr. Jono is my uncle. His wife is my ....
a. mother
b. sister
c. cousin
d. aunt
10. The younger brother of our father is our ....
a. aunt
b. uncle
c. grandfather
d. grandson
11. The son of our uncle is our ....
a. nephew
b. niece
c. cousin
d. sister
12. Sinta has a mother.
.... name is Mrs. Tanti.
a. your
b. her
c. his
d. Is
13. Rian is Mrs. Yanti's son. Fina is Mrs. Yanti'daughter.
Rian is Fina's ....
a. sister
b. brother
c. son
d. daughter
14. Cikita : "...."?
Meydi :" I live in Kediri:.
a. Where are you
b. How old are you
c. What is your name
d. Where do you live
15. Agung needs scissor to ....
a. cut paper
b. bring book
c. write letter
d. draw picture
Olla cleans the table by using ....
a. a duster
b. a broom
c. a brush
d. a rubber
17. We can put all the things in our bag, except ....
a. books
b. pens
c. ruler
d. chair
18. Father needs .... to read the newspaper
a. mirror
b. glass
c. glasses
d. telescope
19. We bring something with ....
a. leg
b. hand
c. knee
d. shoulder
20. We can speak because we have a ....
a. nose
b. ear
c. mouth
d. hand
21. Armando is going to school by ....
a. ball
b. box
c. bicycle
d. basket
22. These are the means of transportations, except ....
a. pedicap
b. car
d. bike
d. cake
23. Student writes on the blackboard by using ....
a. pencil
b. chalk
c. stick
d. eraser
24. My mother needs .... to cook in the kitchen
a. refrigerator
b. stove
c. fan
d. iron
25. We can keep our clothes in the ....
a. cupboard
b. blackboard
c. freezer
d. wall
26. Mother needs a cup of ....
a. egg
b. rice
c. noodle
d. tea
27. We find the meaning of difficult of English words in the ....
a. book
b. dictionary
c. newspaper
d. letter
28. Lina needs a watch to know ....
a. the place
b. the time
c. the area
d. the direction
29. When we want to sleep we go to ....
a. kitchen
b. bedroom
c. bathroom
d. diving room
30. Spoon is a thing which is used to help us when we are ....
a. reading
b. walking
c. speaking
d. eating
III. Fill the blank with suitable word !
1. The father of our mother is our ....
2. Mother needs a .... to sweep the floor
3. We need an .... when it is raining.
4. Teacher cleans the blackboard by using ....
5. We sit on the ....
IV. Translate into English !
1. Pak Andi yaitu ayahku
2. Koko dan Kiki sedang menonton sepak bola
3. Budi sedang mendengarkan radio
4. Bu Rosa bangun erat meja
5. Nadia meletakkan tasnya di atas kursi
V. Translate into Indonesian !
1. My uncle's son is my cousin
2. We can buy the cake in the canteen
3. Diana has a new bicycle
4. I love my cat so much
5. Edo writes on the whiteboard by using the marker
Download Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1
Kunci Jawaban Room I
1. It living room belongs to Boby
2. There are twelve things in the living room
3. No, it is not
4. Yes, there is
5. The ashtray is on the table
Kunci Jawaban Room II
1.d 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.d 9.d 10.b 11.c 12.b 13.b 14.d 15.a 16.a 17.d 18.c 19.b 20.c 21.c 22.d 23.b 24.b 25.a 26.d 27.b 28.b 29.b 30.d
Kunci Jawaban Room III
1. grandfather
2. broom
3. umbrella
4. eraser
5. chair
Kunci Jawaban room IV
1. Mr. Andi is my father
2. Koko and Kiki are watching football
3. Budi is listening the radio
4. Mrs. Rosa stands near the table
5. Nadia puts her bag on the chair
Kunci Jawaban Room V
1. Anak pamanku yaitu saudara sepupuku
2. Kita dapat membeli camilan anggun di kantin
3. Diana punya sepeda baru
4. Aku sangat mengasihi kucingku
5. Edo menulis di papan tulis dengan memakai spidol
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